7. Alone

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Raven's POV
I opened my eyes slowly. A strong light was clear in my sight.
I looked around and saw him.
"Gar?", I asked confused.
"Rae?", he said sleepily.
"Gar wake up!", I smiled.
"Rae? Rae you're awake!", he jumped hugging me.
"What happened? Are you alright? Where's slade?"
"Hold up a minute, are you okay?", he asked worriedly.
"Yes. I'm perfectly fine, now tell me what happened", he smiled.
"Well Slade was trying to take you but I woke up before he left. I was really mad so Beast transformed and finished him before kidnapping you. He's in jail now by the way. Then I took you here..."
"How long have I been out?"
"Uhhh not... long?"
"Garfield. Tell me"
"Three days"
I sighed.
"Uh Robin called yesterday, he said they were coming home this Sunday"
"What day is it?"
"Are you sure you're okay? I mean... you were out three days..."
"Yes. I'm fine Garfield. It's crazy how fast these days have gone by"
"Yeah I know... I was thinking we should make them a 'welcome home we didn't destroy the tower while you were gone' party"
I laughed and nodded. "Great idea"
I got up slowly and walked to my room.
"I'll call titans east!", I yelled happily.
Beast boy's POV
"I'll get the party stuff!", I yelled while running to the basement.
"Okay!", I heard.
I sighed.
"I don't know what I would do if something happened to her..."
I found the box and ran upstairs.
"Rae! I found it!"
"I'm coming!"
I smiled and opened the box.
"Hey Gar?... have you seen the fairy lights?"
"Uh... I think they're in the basement... did you call titans east?-"
"They said yes"
"I was thinking we should do a sleepover afterwards..."
"Totally! It's gonna be so much funnn!"
"I know...", she smiled.
"I like that..."
"Like what?"
"I like that you're more open with me..."
"Oh..." *blushes* "yeah... I just thought it was time to... be myself... freely"
I grinned. "I like this new self Rae"
"Yeah?... me too"
*incoming call*
"Oh... it's Robin..."
"I'll get it", I said standing up.
"Beast boy! Oh goodness, where's raven?"
"Uh she's right next to me"
"Oh good! Is she okay?"
"Uh yeah?", I looked at raven confused.
"Robin!", she whispered/yelled blushing.
"Sorry...", he laughed nervously.
"Well... see ya tomorrow...", beast boy said suspiciously.
"Yeah!", robin hung up.
"Tell me"
"Tell me... why did he ask that?"
"Uh..." *doorbell rings* "I'll get it"
I sighed.
What is she hiding?
Raven's POV
Oof. Saved by the bell.
Damn it Robin...
i pressed the botton and sighed.
"What do you want?", I asked as nicely as I could.
And there stood a familiar blonde teen smiling nervously.
I gasped.
"Hey Raven!"
"Terra... what are you doing here?"
"Where's Beast boy?"
"Wait! How do you know my name? I thought you forgot everything..."
"I- Uh it's a long story..."
I stared at her suspiciously.
Slade and then Terra...
"Rae? Who's at the door?"
"Beast boy?", she smiled.
Beast boy appeared behind me with a nervous smile.
*gasp*  "T-terra?"
"Beastie!", she giggled jumping to hug him.
Garfield gasped and pulled away quickly.
I stared sadly.
Maybe he still loves her.
"I- I think I'll go..."
I smiled sadly and left to my room.
"No! Raven! Don't go!", he yelled.
I sighed and stopped walking.
"Terra... I think you should go now... it was nice seeing you but I'm... busy"
Terra gasped and her eyes turned yellow.
"Busy? Huh? Busy with that demon!"
I looked down ashamed. I felt like crying.
"Don't you dare call her that! She's not a demon! And even if she was I still wouldn't care!"
"You like her don't you! She doesn't like you BB! Face it! She's a damn freak! You should come with me instead... we'll run away together! Like you wanted!"
"Terra no. I don't like you and I never will. Go home"
"But this is home... you are home!"
"No. You should leave..."
"I will get you freak!", she yelled pointing a finger at me.
I sighed angrily and walked near her.
"Rae. Stop", he said calmly.
"Fine"... I mumbled. "But if you come near any of us... I WILL GET YOU"
Terra laughed and sighed annoyingly.
"I'm not scared of you Raven"
"I can sense you're afraid Terra... you're a bad lair"
She gasped and walked away nervously.
And that's the last I've seen from Terra.
"What a fool", beast boy mumbled behind me.
*sighs* "I'm gonna get the fairy lights"
"I'll go with you..."
I rolled my eyes and turned around to stare at him.
"What? What if something or someone happens? I should be there to save-"
"Fine. Fine. Just hurry up"
Garfield smiled and walked next to me.
"Are you okay?", he asked suddenly.
"Yeah... I'm fine"
"Rae... I know you're not okay, tell me about it"
"I- Uh... I thought you... would go with Terra..."
"Oh. *sigh* Is it about the 'running away together'?"
I nodded shyly.
Garfield sighed smiling sadly. "Well... before she betrayed us... betrayed me... we promised to run away and go around the world... together and free"
I gasped silently and looked down.
"I don't like her anymore tho... she was just a crush... like those crushes you think you like but only because your actual crush likes someone else?... does that make sense?"
Like when Gar was with Terra... and i thought I like Malchior...
"*nods* it does make sense"
"It hurt Rae... a lot", he pouted unintentionally.
"I know Gar..."
I grabbed his hand tightly.
Remembering the pain. Remembering when he made her smile, made her laugh, she was so easy...
And I'm so hard. So different. Why does he still try and make me smile? It's not worth it... I'm not worth it.
"Found them!", he whispered next to me.
I didn't notice we were in the basement. I was so caught in my thoughts.
"Also... you still have to tell me about Robin...", he smirked.
*gasps and blushes*

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