Rae's birthday

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Raven's POV
So tomorrow's my birthday, I'm turning 18... yay. I don't really feel like having a party or getting presents so I guess I'm just gonna stay in my room reading.
It was 5pm and I walked to the common room hoping to find no one, but a green changeling proved me wrong.
"Hey Rae", he said. "Garfield", I greeted him. I always corrected him saying things like 'don't call me Rae' and stuff just to piss him off but i swear it just made him happier, I could sense his happiness every time he called me that so I let him, I actually like it, it sounds cute. Anyway I walked to the kitchen smiling a little? I couldn't help it, he was so cute. Okay maybe I do have a crush on Beast boy. He's just so perfect, his Esmerald eyes, messy green hair, flawless green skin, goofy smile, ugh! Perfect. I blushed turning my thoughts away. Oh come on raven! You can't fall for him! Not now!
"You okay Rae?", I heard someone behind me. Right,  beast boy was still there, great. "Yup, I'm fine", I said looking away. "Guess What", he said walking towards me. I looked at him emotionless. "What", i said sarcastically making him giggle, cute. "Tomorrow's your birthday", he said making me smile. He remembered. "You... remembered?", I asked giggling quietly. "How could I forget?", he whispered making me blush. What does he mean? Never mind.
I grabbed my tea and walked away awkwardly leaving Garfield alone with his thoughts running wild.
I walked inside my room and sat on my bed. Nah can't read here. I walked upstairs to the roof. I said next to the edge and looked around. The sky was now a shade of light pink, the sea reflected the sun and the city was quiet. I just hoped everything would be okay for tomorrow. I was kinda scared, I knew how demons are when they turn 18. I just hoped nothing like that happened to me.
I remember when my mum explained to me how demon girl's turned. They were usually moody, basically love, anger, shyness and sadness took over. I just wasn't ready to live that part of my life but guess what, in 8 hours I will live it. Yay. Okay I need to stop being sarcastic.
"Hey Rae-Rae", a familiar voice said behind me. "Oh hey Gar", I said smirking. He sat next to me admiring the view. "You seem worried, what's up?", he suddenly said looking at me. "I'm fine", I said avoiding his eyes. "Rae... tell me", he said grabbing my hand, I blushed instantly. But didn't pull away. Interesting. "Okay fine... as you know I'm turning 18 tomorrow... and when a demon turns 18 they basically change...", I said trying to make sense. He looked real confused lol. "Change?", he asked looking at me.
"Yeah... like change of moods, body, etc", I said looking down a bit ashamed. "Wow", he said making me laugh. He smiled at me shyly. He's so cute when he's shy.
"I better head off now", I said getting up. "Wait", he grabbed my hand. "Will anything bad happen to you tomorrow?", he said worried. I smiled. "Dunno", i whispered looking up. He slowly stood next to me and hugged me. "I don't know if I could live knowing anything happened to you", he whispered making me blush, I felt a sparkle around my body when he hugged me, my cheeks felt hot and I was really nervous. I could feel his heart beat go faster, just like mine did. It was as if we were connected somehow, it didn't last long though. He walked away grabbing my hand and leading me into the tower. His fingers interlocked with mine. I felt that sparkle again. Could it be? Do I really like him that much? He lead me to my room knowing I wanted to be alone and meditate. "Night Rae", he said hugging me again but quickly pulling off hearing cyborg's foot heading our way.
"Night Gar", i said closing my door blushing. "Beasty... where were you", cyborg said teasing him. "I was in the roof", he said walking away. Beast boy and I have talked a lot lately, we know each other like if we've lost bed together forever, he can read me like a book, he's not so hard to read either. I think that's why I've fallen for him, the way he just cares about me so much, the way he always tries to make me smile, when I feel sparkles, I blush every time he compliments me, when he stays to talk to me, basically him, I'm in love with Beast boy.
Will that affect tomorrow?
(The next day)
*beep beep* ughhh the alarm. Oh. It's my birthday. Cool. I couldn't bother to get changed so I just walked out of my room wearing a black top and some black shorts. I noticed my hair had grown like a lot but didn't really care about it. I walked to the kitchen finding no one, that's good. I made some tea and sat on the couch looking out te window. I think everything's fine. I noticed someone walk in but didn't care to look away. "Happy birthday Rae", I heard beast boy sat next to me. "Thanks", I said smiling. "Is your hair longer?", he asked. "Yah.. I guess that's one of the effects", I said looking away. "Wait... stand up", I looked at him confused. "Why", i said worried. "Just do it", he said standing up. I stood up a bit scared to find Beast big staring at me, well um my body. "What", i said making him jump. "Wow", he said blushing. "What", I asked again a bit scared this time. "Your body", he said staring at me. "What?", i said again. "Come here", he said grabbing my hand and guiding me to his room. "Garfield seriously just tell me", I said nervous. He lead me to his bathroom and pointed the mirror. I walked to the mirror to find a girl, with long purple hair, my body was weird though, I had abs and curves, I had boobs? And my face was prettier I guess. "Wow", i said making Beast boy giggle. "You look... so mature", he said blushing again. "Nasty", i whispered walking away making him laugh. I quickly ran to my room feeling dizzy. I picked a lazy outfit for the day cause ya know, I felt lazy. I got changed to find blood? Oh Azar. I just got my period? Oh. I get it now. That's why demon girl's are moody when they turn 18. Lol. Unexpected.
I ran to the common room to find Beast boy shirtless. "Seriously Garfield? You had a shirt like 10 minutes ago?", I said giggling. I stared at his six pack and muscles. "Like What you see?", he said wiggling his eyebrows. "You wish". I said teasing him back. I'm pretty sure this is love right now, she must be in charge, oh well. "Since when you do flirty", beast boy said walking towards me making me blush. "Dunno... probably one of the 'changes'", I said looking up. He had grown quite a lot, am I the smallest titan now? Oh Azar. It's crazy how life can change so fast.
Anyway he just stared at me smiling goofily. "I like this new side", he quickly said walking away. I giggled blushing a little. "This is just the beginning", I said to myself.
(2 hours later)
Ugh! Why am I suddenly so annoyed. Well this must be anger... yikes. I should probably head to my room before anyone gets hurt...
"Hey Rae", a green boy said behind me. "You okay?", he said making me turn red. I quickly looked away and tried not to scream. "N-no", I walked to my room ignoring him behind me. "Are you still love?", he said making a funny voice but I could tell he was worried. "No", i said in my monotone voice. I opened my door and glared at him. "Are you anger?", he asked staring at me a bit scared. I quickly nodded before closing the door into his face.
Ughhh how much time am I going to be anger? I hate being angry for no reason!
(10 minutes later)
I heard a light knock and slowly walked to the door, still annoyed.
"What?", i said angrily. Knowing I should fight my anger I breathed slowly to find some black boxes and a note that said; 'hey Rae, I know your in a bad mood... I'm sorry if I annoyed you... anyway here are some things I think you might like.
Love, yours truly,
I smiled quietly pulling the boxes inside my room. Why is he doing all this stuff for me? Isn't this what boyfriends do when their girls are on their periods? Oh. He knows. Great.
I opened the first box to find 10 different types of chocolates, cute.
The second box had like 5 hoodies, one was black with a raven on it, the other one was purple with lots of ravens, the other one was green, there was one that had beast boy in it and I couldn't help but roll my eyes and the last one had a picture of us in the back, beast boy hugging me and me blushing madly, that picture was taken one year ago when I became closer to beast boy, man that was a great choice.
And the last box had memories of us in it, one of them (my favourite) was when we dressed as each other for Halloween, a picture in the party, me looking at beast boy and beast boy laughing, then I found the costume I whore that day, beast boy's costume... it was very comfortable actually, I liked it. There were more memories but I would like to keep those to myself.
I didn't feel angry or annoyed anymore, could beast boy change my mood? Does this have to be because I love him? Possibly. Azar, why does this happen to me now.
Sadness, great. I felt tears go down my cheeks, they didn't stop and probably won't stop for a while.
I heard another knock, knowing it was beast boy I opened the door, he quickly came in a bit worried and stared at me. "Are you alright Rae?", he walked towards me and sat next to me on my bed. I was happy but tears came down my face like waterfalls. "Y-yes?", i managed to say. He lightly chuckled and grabbed my hands. I blushed a little bit tears didn't stop falling down my face. "Come here", he said softly. I hugged him tightly and blushed. I felt my heart beating faster and then realised his heart beated as fast as mine. I felt sparkles all around my body and I stopped crying. Suddenly we pulled away, both surprised. I looked down and realised. Shyness is here. "T-thanks", I whispered, gladly his animal instincts could listen to every single word I said and he smiled. "You shy?", he asked wiggling his eyebrows. I blushed and giggled softly. "Let's go watch a movie", he said grabbing my hand not letting me argue. We sat in the couch and he picked a romantic/terror movie. He really knew how much I liked romantic movies and I knew how much he liked horror. But I'm pretty sure he also enjoyed romantic stuff.
I smiled at him and cuddled next to him, I don't know what I would do without him.
Without realising, the titans slowly appeared staring at us completely confused. Cyborg cleared his throat. "Uh?", beast boy said not paying attention to him. "What's going on", robin said pointing at us with a 'knowing look'. I blushed pulling away from beast boy but he quickly grabbed my hand and sat me next to him. "What's wrong with this", he said staring at his best buddies. "Nothing...", starfire quickly said a bit confused. "Well then", beast boy said pulling me closer to him ignoring the other titans who just stood there awkwardly. "Guys", he said knowing they were still there. "Rae needed me, I'm here for her. It's no big deal", he said whispering the last part as if he didn't really mean it. It was a big deal to me though. "Are you friends doing the dating?", starfire said clapping her hands and jumping around happily. I shook my head still feeling shy. "W-what? N-no! Of course n-not?", Garfield said stuttering and blushing red. That didn't separate us from our position though. Cyborg smiled teasingly. "Sure... that's why you only let HER call you GAR", he laughed. I looked at beast boy a bit surprised, that's right, he only lets me call him Gar. "Yeah! That's why you only let HIM call you RAE", robin said pointing at me. I blushed looking down. Yup that is right, I like it when he calls me Rae. Beast boy stared at me smiling a little. "Do you find it the weird that they have the strange weird connection that has kept them the real close?", starfire said following the game. Cyborg smiled and robin did too. "G-guys", beast boy said blushing. "Don't 'g-guys' ya we know what's going on", he said staring at us smiling. "Now go talk in the roof and make a final decision!", robin said pointing to the roof making starfire giggle. I knew what that meant and I'm pretty sure beast boy did too but I couldn't just tell him how I felt... I was still in shyness! Ugh I hate being shy! Wait... but what if he changes my emotions again? Could I go back to normal?
We walked with an awkward silence to the roof, when we got there we just sat staring at the sunset. "So...", beast boy said breaking the silence. "I need your help", I whispered again. "Sure, whatever you need", he said smiling. I blushed and pulled my hood off. "I need you to change my personality", I said a bit louder this time. "What do you mean Rae?", he said staring at me now. "I mean like you changed my personality before... like when I was mad you changed me to sadness with your gifts and when you hugged me I quickly turned to shyness", I whispered looking down, I knew he could still hear me so I didn't bother to speak louder. Being shy sucks.
"Oh... how do I help?", he whispered back making me smile a little. "I don't know... work your magic", I whispered the last part making him laugh. "Okay... how about this", he said holding my hand. Sparkles traveled around my body making me blush. "It's working", I whispered a bit louder. "Okay... how's this?", he said kissing my hand making me giggle and blush even harder. "Keep going", I said in a sad tone. I was going through all the emotions I had felt. "Okay if you want to", he whispered kissing my cheek making my heart go faster. My eyes quickly turned red and my hair floated around me but then my gaze found beast boy's and quickly calmed down. "One more", I said, he chuckled and stared at me. "Rae... I've been meaning to tell you this since I met you... I've always wanted to make you smile, laugh and make you happy. I hate it when you're sad but I must admit it... you look pretty cute. I just wish you could be mine so I don't have to worry of other boys hurting you cause I promise I will never hurt you... raven Roth... I love you", he said grabbing my cheek softly making me tear up. Is this a dream? I smiled and leaned closer. My lips felt his, they were soft and warm. My heart suddenly stopped beating, adrenaline was all over me and the sparkles I felt were now EVERY damn WHERE! I felt dizzy and happy, it was a weird feeling but I kinda liked it. Suddenly I felt it, all my emotions became one and we pulled apart reviling me in a white long cloak. "Wow", beast boy said, I giggled staring at his beautiful eyes. "I love you gar", I said smiling. "Guess the titans did a good job for once", Garfield said making me chuckle. "I guess they did", I repeated noting myself to thank them later.

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