Beach day

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Beast boy's POV
I woke up to see a beautiful day, no clouds, barely some wind and happy vibes all over my body.
"BEACH DAY", I screamed running to the common room.
Apparently I was the last to wake up, as always.
Robin and starfire were talking, cyborg was making breakfast and raven was reading while drinking um probably herbal tea.
Her pink soft lips sipping the tea carefully, her amethyst eyes focused on the small letters of the so called book, her violet hair reflected with the sun, her petite figure curled up in the chair while waiting for cyb-
"WAFFLES", cyborg yelled interrupting  my thoughts.
I saw raven turn around with a small but visible smile on her pretty face.
She turned to me and a soft pink could be seen in her cheeks.
Oh shit. She saw me staring. Look away!
"Gar?", I heard her oh so soft and caring voice say my name.
"Rae?", I said.
She must be thinking of how creepy I am. You Damn fool.
"Are you okay?"
"Y-yeah... I kinda zoned out"
I looked away awkwardly and turned to cyborg.
He was smirking at me and whispered-yelled "Beast boy and raven sitting in a tree, K-I-S-S-I-N-G!!", my eyes widened.
"Dude!!", I practically yelled.
Everyone stared at us.
I felt my cheeks heat up.
"Everything alright over there Beast boy?", robin said walking towards us with starfire following behind.
"Well beast no-"
"Everything's Fine!", I interrupted cyborg.
I heard raven giggle.
I blushed a little but managed to hide it.
After eating breakfast in a uncomfortable silence I decided to convince starfire to go the beach.
She agreed of course... my plan will finally begin! *evil laugh* okay lol.
"Friend robin?", starfire said trying to sound as innocent as possible.
She's a very good actress. Well, she learned from the best... *wink*
"I was the wondering if we could go to the beach?", great job starfire, he's falling for it!
"Um... Sorry Star... we need to be in the tower of trouble calls"
"Oh come on dude! It's perfect for a beach day! Besides you get to see starfire in a bikini!", cyborg said making me and raven laugh at the last part.
"I do not know why you friends are making so much of the trouble because of the swimsuit that I will be wearing..."
We watched robin who was blushing uncontrollably. It was fun to see him like that.
"Starfire what's your bikini like?", raven said making robin blush even more.
"It is the color white with the pink little hearts on it, why do you do the asking friend raven?"
"Uh... you should ask that to robin later", I couldn't control my fit of laughter.
Robin's face was a huge mess of redness, it was hilarious.
"FINE", he blurted out.
"We can go to the beach", he finally said.
We all joyed while jumping and running back to our rooms to get changed.
"Beach dayyyyy!!!!!", I screamed while running to my room.
I grabbed my shorts (swimsuit shorts lol) they were purple, hehe like rave- focus beast boy!
Finally i was ready.
I ran back to the common room putting a black jockey to ya know, cover my beautiful face. Hehe.
"Dudeeee ya look handsome", cyborg laughed.
"I know I know, you don't look bad yourself tin man", I laughed back.
Robin walked in wearing blue shorts that had black bats all over it. (I know, ironic)
"HAHAHAH", cyborg and me laughed.
"What's so funny?", robin asked.
"N-nothing", I managed to say between chuckles.
"I am the ready friends!", starfire walked in.
Robin was a huge mess of blushing again! His mouth was open and I had to put both of my hands to cover my mouth before laughing at the ridiculousness that robin was.
"Joy! Raven is here!", she screamed making all of us look at her direction.
Raven walked in with... her cloak on?
"Rae... you know we're going to the beach right?", I teased her.
She looked down ashamed, I immediately felt bad.
"I was just kidding mama, if that's your swimsuit you look beautiful", I said completely regretting my choice of words.
Did I just admit that raven looks beautiful? Great.
I mean... that's the truth but I didn't expect to admit it to my crush.
"T-Thanks Gar", she said softly.
I swear I saw her blush but she had her hood on so I don't know if she was blushing or not.
I even blushed myself.
"Well... that was awkward...", cyborg said behind me.
I glared at him.
"Teen titans go! To the beach!", robin screamed.
- in the beach -
When we all arrived to the beach cyborg and robin started playing volleyball, starfire was swimming and raven reading.
Raven looked so peaceful, she was sitting in her apparently green towel and had a BIG book on hand, I'm guessing a novel, she still had her cloak on... which made me anxious.
I don't know why but I really wanna- no I need to see what she's wearing.
I sound like a maniac don't I? Never mind.
"Hey rae", I sat beside her.
"Yes Gar"
"Aren't you gonna go to the water?"
"Nah I'm alright"
"Don't you wanna play volleyball with the guys?"
"Not really"
"Then whatdaya wanna do?"
"I think I'll stick to reading Garfield"
"What do you really want tho"
"I know you want to ask me something else... what is it?"
"... I want you to hang out with me?"
"You what now?"
"I said that I would want you to come hang out with me Rae"
"It's very simple, yes or no"
"What are you planning to do?"
"Um.... let's go to the water"
"Okay then"
I stood up and grabbed her hand.
I looked back at her and saw she was still wearing her cloak.
"Aren't you gonna take that off?"
"I don't know"
"What do you mean by I don't know Rae?"
"Well.. I don't want you to laugh at me"
"What?! Why would I ever laugh at you!?"
"Uh-I don't know"
"Rae, I would never laugh at you... unless you're laughing too of course"
She rolled her eyes and took her cloak off.
She was wearing a black triangular size bikini, she looked stunning.
"P-pretty", I mumbled.
Her figure was so perfect!
"Gar? Let's go", she said making me jump a little.
"Oh... yeah... right... sorry"
"It's alright you silly", she giggled.
So cute! What- she called me silly! Hehe I like that... I think...
I grabbed her hand again but this time pulling her to the sea. She was strong but not strong enough to let go.
"Gar!", she laughed.
I jumped in the water with her in my arms and then playfully throwing her in the water.
A few seconds passed and I couldn't see her.
"Rae?", I asked looking around.
"Raven?", i said again.
"Raven!!", I screamed nervously about to let my tears go down my cheeks.
Suddenly I felt someone tackle me under water.
"Ahhhhhh", I screamed.
I heard laughing behind me.
I turned around to find raven smiling/laughing at me.
"Raven!", I hugged her tightly while saying multiple things I couldn't control myself to stop from.
"Raven! Don't you ever do that again! You scared me! I thought I lost you! Forever! I don't know how I would live without you! I need you in my life Rae! You're my happiness! You are the reason I wake up with a smile on my face! If you ever live I would die! I love you Rae!", then I realised.
Shit. I just confessed raven that I love her. Now she knows! She's gonna reject me! We're never gonna be friends again!
"Gar?", I looked at her, she looked calm and a small smile danced across her lips.
"I love you too", I leaned in and kissed her. I felt so happy I had to do it.
Her lips were so soft! She tasted like lavender!
It didn't last long but it was definitely worth it. Mission accomplished.
"BEST BEACH DAY EVER", I screamed while pulling raven on my arms, bridal style hehe.
She rolled her eyes and laughed at my silliness.

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