2. Titans prom

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Raven's POV
Last week beast boy asked me to prom. I couldn't believe it, still can't.
Does that mean he likes me?
No way. I don't think that's right.
Well let's just focused on the right things, I'm going to prom with beast boy! Yay. I guess I have to find a dress or something cause prom is this Friday and today is Wednesday.
"Friend raven?", starfire?
I opened the door and walked towards her.
"I need the help"
"Oh... me too"
"Joy! What is the help you were talking about?"
"Well... I don't have a dress for prom"
"I have the perfect dress for the prom!"
"Oh... for me?"
"Indeed!", she said grabbing ny hand and leading me to her room.
"Uh starfire?", i said a bit confused.
"Let us do the dressing of the prom!"
"Right", ughhhh why did I get myself into this.
"Try this on", she handed me a dress.
- a few minutes later -
"Oh! Friend raven! You look the wonderful!", she yelled happily.
"Thanks starfire"
I think I like this dress... I'm gonna wear it. Yay.
- time skip -
"So star... what was it that you wanted to ask me about?", I said sitting on her bed next to her.
"Oh yes! I need help with the asking of the prom!"
"Oh... who are you gonna ask?", probably robin.
"R-robin...", she blushed.
I laughed... those two have been in love since they met.
"Okay. First the question"
She stared at me curious.
"The question?"
"Yea... like 'would you like going to prom with me?' question"
"Joy! Like 'would you like the going to the prom with me?' question?"
"Um yes?"
"Wonderful! I shall ask friend robin!"
I smiled, I'm pretty sure he's going to say yes...
I walked to my room and wished good luck to starfire... she didn't need it but still.
- time skip (just a few hours till prom) -
Okay I can't wait for prom... I'm excited, I've never been so excited in my life... !!! What if I mess up? What if he doesn't like me? What if he decides to go with another girl? What if he's just gonna prank me?
Okay raven... calm down... just wish for the best.
Beast boy's POV
Dudeeeeee! I'm soooo nervous!!!!! Raven said yes! She accepted to go to prom with me!!!!! What if she decides to go with aqualad? What if she doesn't like me? What if she rejects me? What if she thinks I'm stupid?
Come one Bb! Just make up your mind! She said yes! Just wish for the best.
- a few minutes later -
Okay I'm ready... I have my dark purple tux on and the black pointy shoes (they are really heavy... like seriously) I'm ready babyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy
Calm down... she will be ready at 8:30... it's still 8 o'clock so you're fine... just don't ruin the tux and shine like your life depends on it... which it does. Great. Now I'm shaking....
- time skip -
ITS 8:30!!!!! OH MAN!!!! DUDE!!!! Calm down calm down calm down calm down calm down calm down calm down. Okay I'm pissing myself off... is that normal? Never mind.
I walked to the common room to find Cy with a fine grey tux and the same pointy shoes that I'm wearing!
"Cy! You look good!!!!", I yelled while he smiled nervously at me.
"Dude purple really fits you!", he said winking.
I blushed... I knew exactly what that meant.
Then robin came in wearing a black tux and the same shoes we were all wearing.
"Ohhhhhhhh robinnnnn", we laughed.
"Oh come on... do I Really look that bad?"
We laughed again.
"Dude you look good!", cyborg said smiling.
I nodded in agreement.
Then the doors opened to reveal starfire...
She was wearing a pink short dress, it had some tiny flowers all over it and a pink bow tie just around her waist, it was a kinda simple dress  but it fit her perfectly.

- thats starfire's dress -I heard the door open again but this time someone else walked in

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- thats starfire's dress -
I heard the door open again but this time someone else walked in.
Oh man. Is this a dream? Cause if it is I don't wanna wake up.

One shot bbraeOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora