1. Alone

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Raven's POV
It was a normal day. Or so I thought.
I was quietly reading my new novel, pride and prejudice, in the common room.
I was so caught up with every single detail in the story that I didn't notice robin call the titans for an important meeting.
Everyone entered the room but I ignored them.
Robin spoke and spoke words that I un purposely did not hear.
Finally when he was done all the titans left leaving me with a green annoying boy.
"Rae?", I heard in the distance.
I ignored it and continued reading.
"Raeeeeeeee", again.
The novel was too intriguing to stop reading.
"Raeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee", that's it.
I closed the book harshly and looked up to a certain changeling staring at me with a goofy smile.
"What", i said sounding as annoyed as possible.
"Did you listen to what robin said?", no of course not.
"Since when do we listen to what robin says?"
He chuckled and rolled his eyes.
Wait that's my thing! Never mind.
"What did robin say?"
He looked down and ignored my gaze.
"Garfield", I demanded.
"What did robin say".
He looked up to me with a cocky grin and chuckled nervously.
"W-Well.. he said. He said he, cyborg and starfire were leaving to find brotherblood"
"Wait what? T-they are l-leaving?"
"Tomorrow morning"
"Without us?"
"Yup... robin said that we needed to stay to protect the city"
"But hardly any crime has happened since we defeated slade"
"I know"
I stood up and left the common room rapidly.
"Where are you going?"
"I need to speak to robin", I replied leaving beast boy alone in the common room.
- in robin's room -
"Robin you cannot do this to me!", I yelled.
"Raven you know I have to"
"No! You don't have to! Take me with you!"
"No raven"
"You can't make me stay"
"Yes I can"
"Please robin"
"Sorry raven but you need to stay"
"With Beast boy?"
"With beast boy"
"Why him?"
"You know why"
"Ugh raven don't make me say it"
"Because you like him raven!"
"No I dont"
"Yes you do!"
"I do not"
"Come on raven... we are connected, i know how you feel about him"
"Why are you doing this to me!"
"It's what I have to do"
"Ugh Fine"
I left and ran to my room feeling tears in my eyes but those tears never left my eyes, I would never let them.
I feel like a stupid human teenager. Why is it so hard to be human?
I know robin is right but he didn't need to do this!
Ugh I need to meditate.
Beast boy's POV
I think Rae hates me. She definitely does not want to stay with me... I'm a bit sad and... i think I should talk this out.
"CY", i yelled banging loudly in his door.
"Geez BB", he said opening the door.
"I need your help", I said nervously.
"Uh- fine come in"
I ran inside and stood awkwardly in front of cyborg.
"Is this about you staying in the tower with raven?", I blushed.
"What? Dude! How could you say that!", he smirked.
"Is it that obvious?"
"Okay then... I need your help"
"I noticed"
"Shut up... I think Rae hates me"
"Exactly what I said"
"You think... raven... hates you?", he said between chuckles.
- a few minutes later -
"Soooo she doesn't hate me?", I repeated to myself this time.
"Dude! She. Does. Not. Hate. You"
"Okay good... but she ran away!"
"Dude... seriously"
"Just ask her"
"Ask her what?"
"On a date you dummy"
"W-what? Why would I ask her on a d-date?"
"It's really obvious"
"What is"
"Ugh... your obliviousness blows my mind"
"What is"
"Everyone knows you like her dude"
"A-what? M-me? Like her?"
Cyborg gave me the 'youarenotfoolinganyone' look.
"Okay fine! I like raven... a lot... since I met her"
"And so I've heard... and saw", he mumbled the last part.
"Shut up"
"Are you gonna ask her out?" *wink*
"But she hates me"
"DUDE I SWEAR- *sigh* just... go ask robin"
"Okay fine..."
"Thanks for your help"
"You're welcome", smirks.
*rolls eyes*
- robin's room -
"Dude stop laughing! This isn't funny!"
"You... think... she... hates you?", robin managed to say.
"*sigh* yes"
"Okay you seriously need help", robin said giggling a little.
"*Big sigh* I KNOW"
"I didn't know you liked her that much"
"Wha- you knew?"
"Of course I knew! Everyone knows... except raven"
"It's really obvious"
"No it isn- never mind... I need your help"
"She doesn't hate-"
"Not about that! I... i need to know if she likes me back"
Robin smirked but looked away.
"Do you know?"
"Uh- can't tell"
"Just ask her"
"Ask her what? Out? No! What if she rejects me! What if she really hates me! What if we don't ever talk again? What if she leaves the team because of me! What if she never wants to see me again! What if she kills me! What if she goes forever! Or worst... what if she dies! I don't know what I would do without her... she's so perfect and I'm only me... a green messed up monster... she'll never love a green freak like me! *sigh* Okay I seriously need some help"
"Calm down beast boy... nothing like that will happen, i assure you"
"How could you know?"
"Erm- I've got a feeling"
"What if that feeling is wrong! What if-"
"She doesn't hate you... and these days that Will come sooner than later... you Will be alone with her in the tower... so just tell her how you feel... but remember..."
"Remember what"
"use protection"
"Gross! Dude!"
"What? Who knows what's on your mind these days!"
"You're right but still!"
"fine that was gross but it's just a reminder"
"Okay i think I should... leave now"
Welp that was awkward.
- to be continued -

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