Chaptyr Numero Dieciseite

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Chaptyr Numero Dieciseite

*****Hannah’s POV*****

He was picking me up at six. I pulled my massive android out of my pocket and checked the time. It was already four. Shit. I lugged the fat ass groceries into my apartment, struggling when I had to put the key in the lock without dropping everything, and accidentally slammed the door behind me.

“Hell, what have I told you about slammin them doors bitch?” I heard Lanes yell from her apartment above me. Her real name isn’t Lanes, in fact I don’t even know her real name, but that’s what everyone in the building calls her because of the amount of driving tickets that she’s given every month. Let’s just say there’s a lot of them, and she keeps them taped to the outside of her door so people can admire them. I guess they’re achievements to her at this point.

“Sorry. Won’t happen again!” I yelled back apologetically, because to tell you the truth, she scared me.

“That’s what they all say.” She groaned back. I didn’t have time for this so I didn’t argue. I put away the groceries and took a nice hot shower so I could think over what just happened with Nathan. Did he really just ask me to go to a carnival with him? I don’t even like carnivals that much, why the hell did I say yes? Because there’s nothing really wrong with him, that I’ve found out about at least.

*****Adri’s POV*****

Tom drove me home from Starbucks. He asked if I had a ride, and I didn’t so I took him up on his offer. He was a pretty cool guy.

“Where the hell have you been?” Maggie said with a worried look on her face as I walked in the apartment. “Nicole and I left Starbucks two hours ago. How come you didn’t pick up your phone when I called?”

“Sorry I was busy talking to Tom.” I replied taking off my Vans and walking into the kitchen to feed my fish.

“Tom who?”

“Oh, he’s this guy who kinda spilt coffee on me.” I could tell that wasn’t enough for her. “Look I’m sorry I came home so late. I didn’t realize moving in with you meant I had a curfew.”

“Oh my god. How old are you Adriana? Do you really think that I control your life because that’s so not true.” She screamed at me. “I have reasons for needing you home. Did you forget that you promised to take me out for dinner tonight because you can’t on my birthday? Does that ring a bell for you?” Oh shit I kinda forgot about that. “Remember, we said we were gonna go to an early dinner because I have to work the night shift at the radio station tonight?”

“Look I’m sorry, I totally forgot. Let me get changed and we can go.”

“I have to get to the station in twenty minutes.” She spat.

“You don’t have to go. Call Marty and tell him you can’t come in. It’s an easy job, I’m sure he can get someone else.”

“You don’t get it do you? I don’t like having to work two jobs. It’s a pain in the ass, but I do it so that we can have this crappy roof over our heads and you don’t even appreciate it.” She screamed walking out the door.

I don’t even care. I work just as hard as her and she doesn’t give me any credit at all. She can be a real bitch sometimes. Yeah, I know I messed up with dinner tonight, but I said I was sorry.

“Where the hell is my car?” She yelled bounding back into the apartment.

“How am I supposed to know?”


“No, Tom drove me home an-“ Shit. I cut myself off and pulled her keys out of my bag.

“So where is it?”

“Starbucks” I said exhaling deeply. I really feel like an idiot.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 06, 2012 ⏰

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