Chaptyr Numero Seis

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Chaptyr Numero Seis

*****Hannah’s POV*****

I didn’t know what to do. This guy just pretty much saved my life, and I wasn’t used to anyone saving me. It was pretty much always the other way around. I looked him in the eyes and told him my name. His was Nathan. I was kinda embarrassed that he’d seen what was going on. I was kinda still in shock from what just happened. It felt like time stopped for a while, until Ian got up and jumped on Nathan from behind. I stood there really not knowing what to do. How can I get away? How can we get away, can’t forget…Nathan. I looked around and it hit me. What an idiot.

I ran into the bar. “People are friken dying outside” I screamed. I ran around and shook people “help, please help!”

Two guys followed me back to the parking lot where Ian had Nathan in a headlock and Ian’s other friends started gathering around shouting and throwing beer in Nate’s face. I started crying because it was all my fault. Everything was and I didn’t know what to do. The guys names were Jamie and Sam and apparently they knew Nathan. They didn’t really jump in right away but they eventually were able to pry Ian off of Nathan and I used one of their cells to make a phone call.

*****Michele’s POV*****

I woke up to the phone ringing. I was late, like 12ish. I looked at it and saw it was an unknown number, I picked it up anyway.

“Hello?” I answered picking at my chipped nail polish.

“Thank god!” She said in a hurry. “I need you, well not you I need…oh shit call the cops yeah do that, and call all the guys. Tell them it’s an emergency and that I need them NOW!” She spat out at me. I was taken aback.

“Why? What the hell is going on?”

“Ian” she said, and she hung up.

*****Siva’s POV*****

I ran across the street. As much as I wanted to talk about what happened earlier today with Michele, I hung up on her and bolted out of my apartment. Hannah ran and hugged me. She was crying before, I could tell. I go into the fight, right when the cops showed up.

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