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There are times in a man's life when he looks back and reflects, wonders if everything he did in his life was worth it all. His children were never part of these thoughts. He loved them before they were even born. He wasn't always there for them growing up due to constantly traveling for work or working late into the night just to provide for them. Now he wonders if maybe he should've paid more attention to them. Do I even really know my own children?

His eldest was miserable in his marriage, always seeking answers to his many questions on how to make his marriage work since both he and Margaery were already drifting apart. Maybe if his son had listened to me and not his mother, he wouldn't be in this mess. Especially when she cheated on him already. He warned the boy he wasn't ready for marriage.

Robb always did what his mother asked of him, went to school in Old Town, broke up with his girlfriend of four years because his wife thought the Manderly's beneath them. Funny how once her son broke up with the girl, Cat became somewhat friendlier to the young woman, especially when Jon moved into the same apartment with her. Too bad Wynafryd didn't realize his wife was not trying to get close to her but only using her for information on Jon. The young woman was all too eager to provide her.

He knew whatever Robb and Wynafryd had would never last, due to that family's ambitions. But he would've preferred his son making that choice himself than his wife who pushed the boy into another relationship with the Tyrell girl, all because they were well known in The Reach and would be a perfect match for their son, instead of marrying someone from The North. At least that's what his wife thought and felt, he didn't feel the same. But it was Robb's life.

Now his eldest was miserable and by the looks of it was also suffering from a lack of sleep. Already his wife had plans for them to go to another event once they returned home.

Margaery called it networking, but Ned was sure what she meant, was for and their family staying relevant in The Reach.

People like the Tyrell's were just as ambitious as the Manderly's, except they did it while smiling in your face.

Reaching over at that moment grabbing himself another filling of corn, while his eyes roamed over everyone present at dinner.

His brother Benjen, he knew didn't even want to be there every single year. But came anyway just for him and to see his niece and nephews. The man kept mostly to himself, only visited during Christmas or sending a card for his birthday.

His wife kept her head down while eating her mashed potatoes. Good, I'm glad she's miserable at this moment, it's her fault Jon is not here, and now with the photo text he sent with no words attached earlier, seemed to have silenced his wife, or maybe she was just waiting to unleash her anger later tonight or once everyone left back to their homes, or maybe she and her sister would talk later on the issue first.

Ned peered his eyes to look at the woman in question, both Lysa and her new husband Petyr Baelish kept trying to keep her son Robin from spilling his meal and drink all over the table.

Ned looked to his right, his daughter still had her phone in hand, the girl had been trying to reach Jon since he sent the message. But the boy, no young man, he really needed to start thinking of his children like the adults they now were and not the crazed children he and his wife normally fought with to sit still and eat their meals or take their baths.

A smile crept over his face at that moment, recalling all three of them, Robb the ambitious young boy, who now looked like he wanted to be anywhere that had a bed. Arya his wild daughter who preferred wearing pants and dressing like a boy instead of wearing the dresses his wife normally gave her.

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