Daenerys II

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Standing in front of the mirror inside her room as her hands went down towards her stomach, pressing her hand there feeling for what she didn't know, maybe a swell? Would it be too early to feel a swell there?

She'd been tired for the last few days and to make matters worse, her period had not made an appearance for over a month. I'm scared, she realized. While trying her best not to think too much about the situation she was now in.

Dany already knew what it meant, but it didn't make what she would have to tell her parents or Jon any easier, a part of her figured he suspected she was pregnant when he asked her the last time they spoke if she got her period yet. When she told him no, he didn't ask any more questions about her period again.

She texted him a few hours ago asking if she could come over to his apartment. But he hadn't replied to her text as yet. She knew he was probably still busy at work. Jon had been working hard and was doing more hours since Wynafryd decided she and Wylla would be getting an apartment together since her and Jon's lease would be up the following month. It seemed neither wanted to renew the lease since the owner was asking for more money. More people were moving into the capital so apartments were already in high demand, and only getting more expensive.

They barely got to see each other now, Jon was trying to save up enough up for an apartment.

He told her with the pay he received as an intern, he could only afford a two-bedroom in the lower part of Flea Bottom or a one-bedroom in the upper part of Flea Bottom.

Or he could always find another two-bedroom apartment in the same area he lived. The only issue was finding a roommate that would pay their rent on time, and not steal the food he bought. But that was another problem in itself, strangers were harder to trust and Jon didn't want to be locked in a year-long lease if the roommate wasn't willing to pull their weight.

Now it seemed, he would not be needing an extra roommate if she was actually pregnant.

The extra money would need to go to their child and the items the child would need.

Unless Jon was one of those fathers? Who normally high-tailed the other way of denying their child?

No, she would not believe that. Jon didn't seem like the type who would do such a thing to her or their child she was now sure she was carrying.

But even if he did, she knew her mother would not turn her away from her family home in Valyria. Her mother would want her back home, the moment she told them. Her father, she was sure he would be mad and probably not talk to her for a while. The man already hated Jon.

She knew Rhaegar would help her. Viserys she wasn't too sure if he would even help.

They were never really close like she was with Rhaegar.

Looking at herself in the mirror once more as she pressed her hand over her stomach, practicing how to tell Jon she was pregnant.

"Jon, you knocked me up." Shaking her head then, no that won't work.

"Jon guess what? I'm pregnant."

"Jon you are the father."

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