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Dany and Jon Pov

The thundering rainstorm outside her window, seemed like a metaphor, for the war brewing inside of her, though she told herself she would not cry.

Crying was for the weak, and Daenerys Targaryen would not weep over Jon Stark, though it seemed she was losing the fighting battle against her heart.

It had been a day since the last time she had seen Jon, twenty-four hours of nothing, who loses their virginity to a guy that doesn't even have her number? Nor did she have his, so she could curse him and give him a piece of her mind. But the better part of her would not go asking Wylla for his number, knowing the girl would take pleasure in telling her no.

Missy assured her the night before that it was college; many had hookups and lost their virginity in the process. But she wasn't everyone, or like any of the others there who didn't mind a quick romp in the sheets.

Her friend even tried getting Dany to forget about Jon and to come to Volantis for the yearly Light Festival, both she and Irri would be traveling from Meereen to attend.

The thought of seeing her two best friends was the only thing that seemed to push thoughts of Jon out of her head. There was a holiday on Monday and classes were canceled that day, she could easily leave on Thursday and be back at school by that Monday and be prepared for classes the next day.

But the money in her account was to be used for emergencies which only left a sour taste in her mouth. Her parents, well her father to be exact would probably not be too happy if she did do something like that. Making her decide to go to bed early that night since Wylla wasn't home from work yet to torment her, plus the thunderstorm was lulling her to sleep.

Day two and still no note from Jon, her roommate seemed to take great pleasure in her misery, if I could strangle this bitch I would!

Wylla was not worth being arrested over, she was all talk but no bark, Irri often said.

Dany sat by her computer typing away ignoring Wylla, while watching the different people come and go by, some were students either returning to their dorms or just going out for the night, others were there delivering food or just visiting.

She never had any visitors, no one came to see or look for her.

Not even Jon!

Dany wondered then, was coming to this forsaken country even worth it? It no longer felt as though it was worth it to her.

She could've been in Essos with people who actually cared about her, loved her, and would always comfort her whenever things got too hectic in her life, or just needed someone to hug.

By the third day, one of her mid-afternoon classes got canceled, two members of her study group wanted to get together and go over their workload, but the rest just wanted to chill and it was decided they would just meet up that weekend.

Dany didn't care, it's not like she had plans anyway, leaving her with two options, either going back to her dorm room where she knew Wylla would be since the girl had no afternoon class that day. Or avoid her and just go study, or finish her paper in the library until her next class, her paper wasn't due until the following week, furthermore, she was tired from lack of sleep.

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