It's Just Us

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Jon Pov

"Daenerys Targaryen?" The woman at the front desk was calling Dany's name as Jon nudged her letting her know to go see what the lady wanted, it seemed to him Dany was just not paying attention to anything lately. He watched her get up walking over towards a dark-haired woman, with brown eyes that looked at him then back to Dany. He didn't know what she was telling her but he would ask Dany once she came to sit back next to him. She later handed Dany a bunch of papers, before he noticed her reach into her wallet handing what Jon figured was her school i.d to the dark-haired woman, before returning to sit next to him with a clipboard in hand and a whole bunch of papers.

"What did she say to you?" Jon asked as Dany hummed while filling out the papers.

"She only wanted to know if you were with me, said I would have to do blood work, and wanted to make sure you would still be here to take me home in case of anything."

Jon let a sigh of relief out, it took a week just to get the time off from work so Dany could make the appointment to go see the doctor.

He looked in her lap and noticed a small container. "What's the container for?" Jon asked taking the container she rested in her lap from her.

"I have to pee in it and hand it over to the nurse once she calls my name, but before, we have to go see some counselor," Dany replied.

"Why do we need to speak to a counselor for Dany?"

She mused then, "you'll see."

He let her finish the paperwork, while he spun the container in hand. He was tired from not sleeping the night before and had to get up early for a class that day before taking Dany to the doctor.

Jon was scared sitting next to Dany in a room filled with pamphlets about sex and sexual diseases. Never had he ever wanted to run out of a room until meeting the medical counselor. The woman was telling them both about different sexual diseases and not protecting one's self.

Jon noticed the way the woman looked at him as she made Dany sign some documents to take to the front desk.

According to the counselor, it was mandatory for new mothers to meet with her on what to expect if their blood work came back HIV positive or Dany's other tests showed any other STDs, they would need to safeguard their child so the babe wouldn't be born with any disease.

Jon watched as Dany signed the last document before they shook the woman's hand to leave. But before they even managed to leave out the door, the medical counselor told them she would be seeing them once again if Dany's tests showed up HIV positive.

Jon felt his legs go numb, while Dany dragged him out of the room. "Can you believe that woman Jon? her and her doom and gloom attitude?"

Jon remained silent, only nodding at what Dany had to say.

If he thought things would get easier for the rest of the day, it did not. First, the nurse asked a whole bunch of personal questions of the two. Questions he didn't feel the nurse needed to ask him.

She even advised him to go and get an HIV checkup also. Even after telling the woman, Dany was his first and he was hers. It mattered not to her, has she signed something handing Dany labels to take to another part of the hospital. It was already turning out to be a long day.

He knew Dany was tired while they waited where the nurse sent them with the labels she handed Dany.

Jon already wanted them to leave and come back another time, they were already waiting for her name to be called for at least a half-hour.

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