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He was trying his best to calm his wife down, while Aegon tried getting information on their flight North.

Their flight landed in Dorne, while their connected flight to the North was still delayed due to a snowstorm. Looking at their attire neither him, his wife, or grandson were dressed properly. How can one be? They were coming from the lands of always summer, going to the lands of always winter. Where it snowed year-round. Even in the summers, if what he read up on the North was true.

"Viserys is there with Talisa my love, if her condition changed, he would've told us or her doctor would've contacted us right away." Aerys didn't know if he was buying the bullshit he was spewing out his mouth, his baby was somewhere North unconscious laying in a hospital bed.

Her doctor assured them over voicemail, since they were already in flight, that she would make contact once Dany's next round of tests was done. That was hours ago.

But his son was there, which only eased his worried mind a little.

He was thankful both Viserys and Talisa were in Braavos traveling the old city on vacation. He was even more thankful they arrived North before the snowfall got any worse.

The last they spoke with Rhaenys since landing, was an hour ago, her flight was finally boarding.

While Rhaegar was probably still in flight with Elia since they left Pentos on a direct flight North. It seemed to him, everyone would arrive before they even did.

He wondered how Jon was holding up? The most Viserys said was the young man looked lost.

He could feel his wife stir in his arms as stared at him, her tear-filled indigo eyes shifting. "How can you sit here and remain calm Aerys?"

"Because I have to be strong for you and Aegon. His grandson was trying to hide his emotions, but Aerys knew the boy also felt helpless in the situation. Constantly getting up to go walk or ask about their delayed flight....

His words didn't seem to work, as she started bawling louder holding unto him tighter...

Which only seemed to cause other passengers to look in their direction.

"Do you two mind? Some of us here don't want to hear your wife's hysteric outbursts.

Rhaella looked at the red-haired woman, who earlier had her face glued to her phone, who was now scowling at her outburst.

Rhaella switched from Valyrian to the common tongue. "Who the fuck are you looking at? Or talking to? My child is in the hospital, don't tell me how to act or behave!" She watched as the woman sat up and went to sit elsewhere.

"Was screaming at that woman necessary Rhaella? Did it calm your dragon blood?" Aerys asked, he needed for this flight to start calling passengers before his wife or even he, ripped someone's head off.


Not only did he and his mother have to wash their hands, but they also had to wear protective garments over their clothes and hair, as they were led inside NICU.

Both Viserys and Talisa opted out, due to having flown to the North from Braavos, where they were vacationing on a private jet belonging to Talisa's father.

Jon could already hear the buzzing in his head from all the machines around the incubators the babies were in.

He almost went to tell the nurse, he wasn't sure he could do this until she stopped in front of a small babe fussing around, a pink hat on her tiny head along with a small diaper. His eye followed where her name tag was listed.

It was the same name tag on the band they gave him to wear on his wrist, explaining all he had to do was show it and be able to see his child whenever.

Jon looked from his wrist that displayed baby girl Targaryen, back to his daughter who looked like she was about to start crying any second. He wanted to touch her, hold her even but wasn't sure if he wanted to, due to the wires on her tiny body.

He feared he might break her, or harm her.

"You can touch her if you'd like." The chubby nurse with kind grey eyes offered.

"I'm scared, I might break her," Jon replied as the babe squinted her eyes open a second, before shutting them, letting out a tiny wail before it got louder, causing him to step back into his mother... Who gave him a small push, encouraging him to not be afraid.

"I think someone maybe needs her diaper changed and food the woman teased.

Jon watched as she reached for a diaper and a small bottle filled with what he expected was food for the babe.

"Here you should change your daughter, might as well get used to it. After you're done with that, you can go wash your hands there and feed her next...."

Careful under the watchful eye of the nurse, Jon slowly pulled off her diaper, replacing it, sweating and wondering if he was doing it right.

After that was done, he carefully watched as the nurse removed the wires from where he sat with the bottle feeding, as the squirming babe was placed in his arms.

His eyes grew glossy at the tiny breathing sound she made, the more she suckled from the bottle.

Jon watched her eyes open, revealing gorgeous violet eyes like her mother though he could see a ring of grey around her irises.

"She's beautiful," Jon found himself saying.

Catelyn smiled, "she looks a lot like you" when you were young."

Jon chuckled at her words. "Was I also born bald like my daughter?" Maybe she'll have hair like Dany? though he doubted it, noticing small tufts of dark-brown hair.

He could already feel some of the sadness in his heart melt away holding his daughter.

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