Jon IV

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He could feel his heart pound throughout his chest, barely registering whatever it was the new doctor on call was telling both he and Dany's parents.

It also didn't help how exhausted he was last night after he picked Dany's parents and her nephew Aegon up from the airport. Her parents decided it was probably best, they rested and freshened up until they were finally allowed to see her and get the results from her test in the morning.

That night, however, Jon could not sleep, he felt guilty inside for leaving both Dany and the baby alone at the hospital. He much preferred to stay there. But knew he couldn't, it wasn't safe for either Dany or his child if he remained unclean.

Looking at Dany's parents, Jon could see the bags and dark circles under their eyes. He knew he didn't fare any better. Jon was sure he looked a mess, dressed in jeans and a sweatshirt.

Both her parents were dresses in thick bubble jackets they received from his parents.

The temperature was in the mid-fifties, yet every one of Dany's family that morning asked how they managed to even survive the harsh winters over breakfast.

They even joked that Christmas should be celebrated between both families in Valyria where it was always warm.

Jon was surprised that both his parents had no problem with it.

At least everyone seems to be getting along so far. He thought, clenching and unclenching his hands to the side of him, trying to control his nerves.

All he wanted was to go see Dany at this moment. Since arriving at the hospital they were already delayed in seeing her, due to more tests. Instead, all three took turns to see his baby girl, Jon smiled at that thought.

Since it was mandatory that only two could be inside the NICU, Jon decided to let her parents go meet the baby, until Dany's doctor contacted them, to let them know the results of the test were over.

Though it seemed Dany's father could not stay too long inside the NICU.

Jon was sitting in the waiting room when Aerys returned exactly thirty-five minutes later, tears in his lilac eyes.

Jon recalled then, how worried he became, wondering if something happened. Not bothering to ask Aerys anything, as he dashed towards the elevators, rushing to scrub his hands and get dressed in the protective fabric, they made everyone wear inside.

The moment he stepped inside the NICU, all he saw was Rhaella cooing to her granddaughter, a huge smile plastered against her lips, before turning in his direction.

"She's beautiful Jon."

Jon released a breath he didn't know he was holding.

Safe, his daughter was safe in her grandmother's arms, Jon assured himself, trying to catch his breath after running, knowing there was no way he could take any more heartache.

It dawned on him however on the reason why Aerys left the NICU, some old memory must have triggered him with Rhaella holding his granddaughter. Jon realized then, something about it must have brought back old memories of Rhaella holding Dany when she was a babe, which seemed to terrify Aerys.

Since the first day he met Aerys Targaryen that day in the dorm she shared with Wylla, Jon knew the man was protective when it came to his daughter. The man told him girls were different from boys, you want to protect them.

Jon knew he would probably be in the same pain Aerys now found himself in if the roles were reversed.

"I can only allow, one or two of you to see your daughter," Dany's doctor replied, waking Jon from his thoughts. Both Rhaella and Aerys have not seen Dany in person for months, he realized it was best for them to go first.

"You both can go, I can go stay with the baby," In truth, Jon much preferred to be with Dany alone. He didn't know if he could control his emotions, nor did he want her parents watching him. He wanted his own private time with her while wishing he could also take their daughter to meet her.

But that would not happen until the pediatrician gave the ok.

He didn't know how many hours had passed, hanging out with his daughter, between feeding, changing, watching her blow spit bubbles, and sleeping once more until she woke once again. Jon was at a loss for time, he didn't even notice Aerys walking towards him, only felt a gentle hand on his shoulder and a smile plastered on the man's face.

"Do you mind a grandfather getting the chance to finally holding his granddaughter?"

Jon could not say no to the man's request, gazing towards the window, where he saw Rhaella standing, as he handed the baby off.

He needed to get to Dany, he needed to see her.

Broken, was how Jon felt inside.

Already at a loss for words walking inside her hospital room, tears came rushing down, blurring his vision. Whatever good mood his daughter put him in earlier, quickly evaporated, seeing all the machines around Dany, and the breathing tube lodged inside her mouth.

Her doctor did mention they'd remove it by the next day since Dany's vitals were getting stronger. Yet nothing her doctor assured them about seemed real.

Jon could feel his legs buckle the moment he found the chair next to her and collapsed in it, tightening her small hand inside his, as Jon peppered it with kisses, wishing she'd wake up like those fairy tales where the prince kisses his blushing princess, waking her from whatever deep slumber she was in.

But that was fairytales, and this wasn't one. This was a reality. His reality, one he wanted Dany to wake up from at this very second.

His hand brushed her hair away to the side where he planted a kiss on her forehead, "hello my love, I'm finally here." Jon stumbled out between tears, "I would've come sooner but was denied seeing you due to laws that prohibited me."

He leaned forward into the chair more to be closer, not releasing her hand from his. "I should've married you months ago. I should've been man enough, to scream in your ears that I love you every day, instead of being a fool, denying myself what I felt for you."

Jon laughed like an idiot in love then, "I knew, I wanted you from the first day you walked into your dorm room with your parents. You managed to take my breath away, just with your smile."

Brushing her silver-blond hair away once more, wanting nothing more than to brush it, or comb through it with his fingers. Remembering how much she enjoyed whenever he brushed her hair at night, before bed.

He bitterly chuckled then, thinking back to the day he realized Dany melted his frozen heart and how jealous he became, watching Grenn dance with her all those months ago.

"I'm sure your father saw it in my eyes, why he hurried both you and your mother away, he probably thought of me as some type of bad boy, not realizing how much of a dork I truly am."

Suddenly remembering something he wanted to share with her, Jon removed his phone from his pocket, "I can't bring our daughter to see you yet, and I know you're sleeping but I read sometimes patients can hear sounds." Pressing play on his phone, Jon let the gurgling sound and cries of their daughter fill the room, as he cried tears of joy. "She as your eyes and my hair color, and according to our mothers she looks like me."

Tap, Tap

Jon could hear a tapping on the glass window behind him, as he turned to notice Rhaenys, her brother, parents, and Viserys waiting outside.

Fuck, Jon realized, it must have been late into the afternoon, that was when it was planned for the rest of the family to trickle into the hospital and come see her.

Taking her hand to his lips once more for a long-drawn-out kiss, "I have to go now, I can't be greedy."

Apart of him truly didn't want to leave, visiting hours would probably soon be over, plus he doubted any of them would allow him alone with her for five minutes more.

"I love you." 

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