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Jon and Dany Pov chapter

What was she going to tell them?

Dany stood outside her parent's house, halting outside the red oak door. It was already after nine in the morning, as Dany played with the keys in her pocket, hesitating on whether she should open the door or ring the doorbell.

This was her home also, the place she grew from a babe into a young woman, but the thought of facing her parents after what she did with her emergency money still bothered her even if they claimed it didn't.

They told her on the phone that they were only upset she never thought about letting them know. Her father even argued saying he would've come and seen her if they didn't already have company at home. She didn't even bother to ask who the company was, too wrapped up in thoughts of her father ruining her mini-vacation until it was settled that she would see them before leaving back for Westeros.

"Are you going to just stand out here or go inside Dany?" A voice familiar called out to her as she turned to see her brother Rhaegar looking back at her holding what looked like breakfast in his hands, next to him stood another man, who looked around the same age as her brother and almost the same height the man looked a few inches taller than her brother. He had short dark brown hair and purple eyes.

"Rhaegar!" Dany exclaimed as she dropped her backpack and walked over towards her brother. Hugging him as he tried to balance the food he held. "I didn't know you were here."

"And I didn't know you snuck into Essos without any of us knowing.," he jested as she slapped his arm playfully.

"Careful Dany, not so hard, you might make the food fall out of my hands," Rhaegar warned.

The man next to him cleared his throat as her brother turned to introduce her to him.

"Where are my manners, Dany this is my good friend Arthur Dayne." The man in question nodded at her as the sun reflected off his dark-brown hair.

"Nice to meet you, Arthur," Dany replied as Rhaegar nudged her.

"You mind getting the door for us Dany? Before the food gets any colder?"

Unlocking the door, she heard voices coming from the kitchen, so far, she could make out her parents, Elia and Aegon she didn't know who the other voice belonged to.

Walking inside the kitchen behind her brother and Arthur, she could hear her mother's voice asking what took both men so long, as her brother chuckled "I found someone standing outside to brighten your day Muna."

Her mother turned around and saw her standing there as she ran over towards her, while her father seemed more reserved, but she could see the tears that were already forming in her Kepa's eyes.

"Why didn't you call us?" We would've picked you up from the airport, her mother then squeezed her even more.

Maybe I didn't want to argue with you both on the ride back home?

"I wanted to surprise you both." Dany replied as Rhaegar coughed out "horseshit."

Dany only rolled her eyes, as she walked over towards her father hugging him next as she whispered against his ear. "I'm sorry for wasting the money you gave me for emergencies."

"We will talk later. Now let me get a look at you." Her father smiled then, "at least I can see that you are taking care of yourself."

Barely, Dany wanted to say, but instead just offered a weak smile that didn't reach her eyes. She would put up a front, not revealing how she actually felt inside.

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