Chapter 50- Burning Secrets

Start from the beginning

"I'll take the super-hero classic with a cup of tea, please," All Might ordered. 

"And you?" The woman asked with her golden glowing eyes gazing at you.

"Uhh the Sailor Moon strawberry pancakes, please! Oh, and a coffee with three sugars and whipped cream!" The girl quickly wrote down the order and left to turn it into the kitchen.

"So kiddo...are you excited to go back to school?"

"A bit. I'm gonna miss watching TV with you all the time though. Butttttt...I am happy I get to see Kacchan on a regular basis again. Now that his grandparents are living at the house, he's been nothing but miserable. I don't blame him though, his grandmother is a total cu-...old batty lady." All Might let out a hearty laugh.

"You call her that now until you get old and start yelling at the young kids!"

"Hey you're older than me old man! You'll turn into an old grandpa first!" All Might smiled at you but inside his mind was brewing. Growing old...I never even thought that was possible. After all these years of being a hero and what Nighteye said to me...would I even be able to see Young (Y/n) and Young Midoriya grow? Will I be around to watch them become the heroes that change the world for the better...even more than I did?

He watched as your eyes grew wide and a drooling grin popped up on your face when your whipped cream coffee and pink strawberry flavored pancakes topped with glazed berries, vanilla ice cream, and whipped cream made its home on the table. It was that look of utter joy in your eyes...the memory of Midoriya's scream on the beach the night he cleaned the whole thing was the thought of seeing the two of you growing into his legacy that re-ignited a fire that he was sure that had died out.

I will live. I will grow old...and now I will be the one who rests in ease knowing that there are heroes like Astral and Deku that will save the day. 


Before you and All Might were going to leave, the elder man decided to take a quick bathroom break.

"I'll be right back...did you happen to see if the restroom was near the front door or over in the back?" He asked you. You pointed behind him where you could faintly make out a sign with two figures on it. 

"I think it's back there?" He turned to look for a second and gave you a thumbs up.

"Thanks. I'll be back in a moment." Just as All Might was out of earshot, you felt someone sit in the booth behind you. A heavy scent of campfire and gunpowder invaded your if someone just left a smokey bar. The back of your seat was astronomically warmer now, and you felt yourself relax against it. You had to admit, the soothing heat helped alleviate all of your aching muscles.

You released a sigh, only to be met with a dry throaty chuckle in reply.

"I'm a lot warmer than that seat sweetheart. Maybe you should try sitting on me instead." 

You immediately grabbed the fork you used and twisted in your seat to try and stab the man speaking to you. Before you could, almost as he predicted it, a hand with purple scars matting the skin grasped your wrist.

"Tsk, tsk, tsk..." He clicked with his tongue. "We're in public babe. Don't want to scare off the other lovely patrons do you? I just wanna chat. Nothing big, baby."

"I'm not your sweetheart, babe, or baby you fucking asshole." You growled. You sat back down in your seat after you aggressively yanked your wrist from his grasp. The heat of the booth was scorching and the scent of ash was suffocating. 

"You said you wanted to talk, Dabi, so talk." You gritted out through your teeth. He let out another dry chuckle, his hair now a much darker shade of obsidian thanks to a recent dye job. The two of you sat back to back without looking at each other...but you both were on edge.

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