When You Turn Into A Chibi

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Suggested by: @RhiTheWeeb


He thought you were the cutest thing ever! He literally bought a bunch of hoodies with huge pockets so he could carry you around everywhere! Of course, Valt being Valt he forgot about you and that led to some... awkward transactions for when you turned back to normal.


Shu was an absolute mom when you turned into a chibi. He made sure that you stayed in the house and wrapped you in lots of small blankets and pillows so you could rest and turn back to normal. It was the cutest thing ever!


Of course Free thought you were cute. But what he didn't find cute was that you followed him out to the woods and disturbed his training. He would just sigh heavily before returning you to BC Sol and keep you company, makin a mental note to be extra annoyed with you when you returned to your former glory.


Diago wasn't exactly sure what to do with himself. He tried to treat you like he'd treat his brother, but you were a very adventurous little person. Instead, he brought you to the hospital play room and you and his little brother played together. It was all very wholesome and adorable.


He was surprisingly normal about it. He cared for you and let you sleep in a giant fluffy bed until you had burrowed into the blankets. Also, as a bonus, Ukyo bought you every kind of chocolate there was, so you happily chomped down on the sweets from your flabbergasted boyfriend.


Quon had no idea what to do.

"Why are you so tiny?"

"What am I supposed to do with a tiny person?"

"What the hell is this?"

Stuff like that. Unfortunately, he jut left you alone. His stupid self didn't realize that you couldn't care for yourself, and you ended up following him to the skate park, where you almost ended up getting run over like 50 times.

Eventually, Quon had to take you home, losing only his street cred from the other skaters.


Surprisingly, Wakiya was on it. He had has dozens of maids come and serve you food, bring you hot towels, do everything for you. All he had to do was watch his adorable tiny girlfriend get pampered, and he loved it.

Of course, he would never tell you that.


Lui was a hot mess. "She's so tiny! Why do I have to deal with this?!"

He shamefully asked Gabe (?) what do do with you and he helped out significantly. Lui just watched with wide eyes as he realized that some girls need to be cared for. He was never more relieved when you turned back to normal and was able to care for yourself again.

But he was still an angry tsundere.

Idk... should I delete Quon and Ukyo? I know a few ppl read Ukyo's but I don't think anyone reads Quons'. They're just so hard to write for because they show up so little that I have to create a persona for them. Should I delete them?

In other news, Haikyuu!! fans! I started a Haikyuu!! Boyfriend Scenarios book like this one. Go check it out!

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