How Y'all Meet

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"And here's your change young lady," a kind woman spoke. The Aoi Bakery was famous in town for its incredible variety of treats. I was just treating herself one morning.

"Thank you very much!" I replied happily.

"What school do you go to?" she questioned.

"Tomorrow is my first day at Beigoma Academy!" I exclaimed happily. "Maybe I can finally become a blader there!"

"Funny," she said. "My son goes to school there. Valt! Will you come down here a moment?" The woman called.

Before I could say anything a short blue haired boy thundered down the stairs into the bakery.

"Yes, Mom?" He asked.

"This girl is going to start at the academy tomorrow. I thought it would be best if you two were acquainted so she had a friend there," the woman smiled kindly.

"Well, I'm Valt. Valt Aoi," he spoke confidently.

"My name is y/n l/n. Pleasure," I half-smiled. This kid is on some kind of drug, I thought. No one could be that hyper.


"And with five wins under his belt, the Masked Blader goes on to meet his new opponent, Shu Kurenai!" the announcer screamed. It was one of my several blading tournaments and I gotta day, I'm not exactly nervous for this next match. I've analyzed his style over and over.

"In the blue corner, it's the mysterious, level-headed, wonder prodigy, it's the Masked Blader!" The crowd went wild. If only he didn't previously announce me as a guy.

"And in the red corner, it's the boy genius, the unstoppable force, it's Shu Kurenai!" The crowd went crazy once more, yet this time all I could hear were fangirls.

Idiots, I rolled my eyes.

As the two of us walked to the stadium, an eerie silence stood between us like a brick wall.

"Not going to say anything?" I challenged.

"I hardly feel the need," the albino coolly responded.

"Good. Let's get this over with," I smiled under my mask.




"Let it... RIP"

Our beys circled each other in the ring, feigning and feinting. In an eternal dance our beys encircled each other. However, with one quick jab at Spryzen, the tables turned as it began to heavily wobble.

"Spryzen, recover!" Shu shouted.

"No need for any of that," I laughed. "Finish it!"

And with one slice of my hand, his bey burst into three pieces, each more broken than the last.

Shu sighed in defeat, knowing he couldn't say anything. I noticed he didn't reveal his scar, maybe I just put him out of a winning streak.

Well, I thought he'd be more of a challenge, I thought. I was getting pretty excited for him to just lose like that.


"Hundred and four, hundred and five," I grunted in pain as I finished the last of my workout. I dropped to the ground only to feel the mossy ground gathering beneath my bare feet.

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