Cute Stuff You Guys Do Together

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Valt likes to cook with you! Every time you step into the kitchen, Valt follows you with a big smile on his face. He likes to learn from you even if he burns everything he touches. Must be that spicy personality!


Shu and you both like to binge-watch movies together. You like to snuggle up on the love-seat and watch action/comedy's. You are currently giving Shu lessons on the MCU.


Kind of simple. You guys like to sleep together. Free wraps his arms around you so that you don't leave him while you sleep. He likes to take you into the woods so you can sleep in private😳


Screw going out in dates and talking. You and Diago like to play games. You play this version of hide and seek where Diago and the cat have to  go find you, but the cat has to tag you. She caught in pretty well.


Ukyo likes to randomly take you into the shadows to surprise you. It got very confusing when you were sleeping and Ukyo took you into the shadows and just watched you sleep. He told you about it later.


Quon likes to teach you how to skateboard. Even though you fall down constantly, he still thinks you look really cute while you are all scratched up. Whenever you fall down though, he likes to show off for you.

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