What Pokemon Is He?

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Valt: Plusle/Minun. Very energetic and spazzy. I guess you could say... electrifying.

Shu: Meinshao. Very calm yet dangerous when angered. Maybe like the transition from Shu to RED EYE!!

Free: Slaking. I was going to say Snorlax but Free doesn't eat all that much. Slaking is equally lazy and loves to sleep, yet has a wicked defense stat, making it a tank.

Diago: Umbreon. Dark and mysterious, short and raven haired/furred, pretty much the same thing here.

Ukyo: Greninja. It's a literal ninja. And its part dark which is good for a ninja I guess.

Quon: Lucario. Cool, calm, and collected. This powerhouse is probably the coolest Pokémon of all... I have no idea what's happening

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