Chapter Four - I'll Change My Mind

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Chapter Four – I’ll Change My Mind


But, baby, if you say you want me to stay, I’ll change my mind.


Victoria woke the next morning sore and not one hundred percent sure how she had gotten under her covers. She stared down at her gauze-covered arm, and the night came back to her in bits and pieces. Victoria vaguely remembered Liam coming into her room last night, but everything afterwards was a blur.

She came outside rubbing her head, the sleeping pills having not entirely worn off. Blearily blinking her eyes, she looked at Tanvi who mutely handed her a cup of strong coffee.

“What happened last night after I went in my room?” She asked with a yawn. “And please watch me when I take pills. I don’t think the combination I had was any good for me.”

Tanvi huffed and cupped her mug, letting the steam flow over her face. “Well I don’t know what went on with you and Mr. Stick-Up-My-Ass Payne, but he came out of the room looking like he just came out of hell with the devil inside him.”

Victoria was awake in an instant. “Wh-what? What do you mean?”

“He was furious. He didn’t even look at me, and he practically dragged the boys out of the flat. And I was screaming my heads off at all of them. I felt like a mom the way I was lecturing –”

Victoria cut her off with a hand, her head spinning, “Not so loud, Tanv, I still have a headache.” She mulled over the information. She could’ve sworn there was a connection last night. That he had tended to her, even tucked her in. But she shook her head. It was a drug-induced dream, not a memory. Liam Payne hated her. Why would he do anything that she was remembering?

Tanvi launched into another speech about how intolerable all the boys were, when she heard a knock on the door. Groaning as she moved, Victoria shuffled towards the door before yanking it open. “Ye- Niall?”

On her doorstep stood a very sheepish Irishman rubbing the back of his neck. Victoria crossed her arms, and then winced at the pressure on the gash on her right forearm. Niall registered the pain in her eyes, and if it was even possible, looked even guiltier.

“Can I come in?” He asked lowly. Victoria walked away from the door, leaving it open. Taking it as an invitation in, Niall walked in and closed the door locking it. For the first time in a long time, he was met with the view that Victoria was beginning to become accustomed to. Every member of a room looking at him stony faced.

Victoria was fed up. She could and had handled verbal abuse. That kind of abuse went away when you ignored it. It usually found another target. But if there was physical abuse? That needed to be stopped, and the people involved needed to know that was not and would never be ok. Victoria wouldn’t take it, from anyone. Not even international pop stars. And seeing as soon, she would be one too, she knew she really wouldn’t have to.

“Do I need to get security from my own band mates now, Niall?” Victoria fake covered her mouth in shock, “I’m sorry, would a lady have said that?” There was so much hurt in her from what Niall had done to her, how he had just stood by and threw her under the bus. It was bleeding into every word she spoke.

Niall flinched at the words thrown his way. He deserved them, he knew, but he was going to be the bigger person. She deserved someone to be the bigger person. Coughing slightly, he looked pleadingly at her, “Could I talk to you alone for a second, love?”

Tanvi snarled at him, “I don’t think you are in any position to be making demands.”

Please.” He begged, his eyes imploring her to listen. Victoria sighed and put a hand on Tanvi’s arm. Tanvi got the message in a second and said, curtly that she was going to take a shower. But if anything happened, Victoria only had to scream, and she wouldn’t hesitate to show Niall exactly why she was a black belt.

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