Epilogue: One Direction's Day - Reason For That Smile

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Epilogue: One Direction’s Day – Reason For That Smile


I was the reason for that smile… so keep in mind.


When they got onto the subway, Victoria was happy about one thing: school was still in session. Right now, all the schoolgirls were locked safely away into classrooms instead of a metal tube with five boys they had sworn to have children with. Despite the expense of their designer sunglasses, they really did nothing to shield their identities.

The boys all breathed sighs of relief upon seeing the train packed with middle aged people who couldn’t care less who they were and a rowdy group of boys about their own age who were being rebels and skipping school.

Louis had flown in like a mad man, returning steadily to his wild ways, even if it was a bit forced, and seized an empty seat almost immediately. Then, bowing grandly, he offered the seat to Victoria, seeing as she was a “lady”. Victoria let out a very unladylike cough/laugh and grabbed the seat anyway as the rest of the crowd piled on. She hated standing for extended periods of time. Beaming at the other boys in triumph, she felt strangely elated at the lack of pressure on her feet… Then things changed for the worse.

At the moment, Victoria was nothing short of annoyed. They had managed to catch the worst of the subway rush hour that occurred when everyone was trying to get back to work from their lunch breaks. Right now, she was shoved between a rather grotesquely obese man who was sweating hard in the heat of the underground and a perverted teenage boy that was using every bump as an excuse to touch her boobs.

While the boys were safe from the hormones of teenage girls, Victoria wasn’t even close to safe in the face of these teenage boys. Somehow, they had managed to be trapped with the same strange specimen of adolescent boy who thought the world of themselves and figured everyone else thought it too. The worst part was, they weren’t all that at all, and Victoria knew these were the kind of boys who picked on quiet, weird girls in between classes and made her feel like shit. Her flashbacks were getting more and more vivid.

Of course, they recognized who the band was. Even if they were guys, they knew who One Direction was. But they couldn’t care less that the guys were on the subway. Instead, they focused on Victoria. It wasn’t everyday that a celebrity sat down on a train next to you, even if Victoria couldn’t even see herself as a celebrity for the life of her.

She swallowed a scream as they circled her, subtly, making excuses to casually brush her. Victoria was getting more and more uncomfortable. One or two times it could be an accident, but twenty? And seeing as these lads had nowhere to be any time soon, they seemed quite determined to ride to the end of the line with Victoria.

Subtly, she had tried to brush them off by taking out her phone and pretending to check twitter. But the guys had other plans and stumbled onto her every chance they got.

Finally, one teenager “accidentally” swatted the phone out of her hands and into her lap.

“Let me get that for you, babe.” He grinned lecherously.

“No, you don’t – ” Victoria said quickly, about to wave him away, but he was too fast for her, and his hand was already down at her lap to pick it up. But his fingers lingered longer than anybody would be comfortable with, too close to where Victoria didn’t want him. She squirmed away from him, trying to snag the phone from his fingertips.

Her blood was boiling. Who the hell did he think he was trying to harass her? She was barely holding herself back from beating him and his snickering friends black and blue.

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