Chapter Twenty - How Do You Feel

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  • Gewidmet Casey, the soul mate of Orgasm Eyes :)

Chapter Twenty – How Do You Feel


How do you feel about me now?


After a girly amount of time gushing about movies and places and boys, Nina and Victoria showed up at their seats. The boys, Ian, and Casey were already there waiting, and Victoria looked up and down. “Are there any snacks? Popcorn? Or is Hollywood too fancy for that, and we just have caviar?” She jokes.

Nina nodded her head to the back, “There should be refreshments and candy back there. Just make sure not to spill anything on your dress.” Victoria looked down at her gown and cringed at the thought of it.

“Do you guys want anything?” She asked the rest of the group.


“Milk duds.”


“I ate before I left.”

“Nothing for me, thanks.”

“Me neither.”

“Extra large tub of popcorn, large Sprite, and one of those king sized Three Musketeers.”

Everyone turned to look at Niall, and Lo swatted him on the arm. “You’re going to be bursting out of your outfits, and who’s going to have to adjust the seams? Me. That’s who. I’m not working overtime for you!”

He smiled at her charmingly, “Then I suppose you’re going to have to share with me.”

“You. Are. Hopeless!” Lo complained, crossing her arms.

“That wasn’t a no.” Niall grinned.

Lo stayed silent, then looked up at Victoria, “Make it a medium of everything, and ditch the candy.”

Rolling her eyes at the two of them, Victoria couldn’t help but smile. The feelings were definitely there, no matter how in denial Lo chose to be. “Alright, I’ll be right back.”

Holding the train of her gown in one hand, Victoria picked her way to the concession stand. When she placed her order, she caught the judgmental looks of various stick thin celebrities. To their surprise, she laughed at them, “You try feeding five guys that are eighteen going on seven!” She called. Ashamed, they looked away, and Victoria turned back to the concession stand smugly.

Then came the dilemma of carrying everything back. There were lots of things to spill and only two hands to take them with. She was debating taking two trips when suddenly a tattooed arm reached past her and grabbed the medium popcorn, a drink, and stuck his Skittles on top of the tub of popcorn.

Turning around, Victoria looked surprised at her band mate, “Tomlinson?” He was the last person she had expected to help her.

Looking sheepish, he bobbed his head, “Superman to the rescue and all that. Come on now, don’t be ungrateful, let’s just go.”

With that slightly offensive, slightly not reply, Victoria mirrored him, putting the milk duds on the popcorn, that was extra large, because she realized she’d be sharing with at least three people, and grabbed the drink in the other hand, snagging a few extra straws.

They walked slowly and awkwardly with the food, and finally Victoria asked, “Why’d you come help?”

“I have my reasons.” He snipped quickly, but Victoria watched his blue eyes focus on a corner of the room. Turning her head, she noticed a brunette turn bright red at his gaze, and rush away when her boss called her.

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