"There now come here", he said getting up, motioning for me to go after him. I slowly got up when I realised how heavy the necklace was. It was like carrying a five pound weight around your neck. I then felt him take my arm and start to lead me over to the small pond beside the studio. He then motioned for me to look into the pond. I was kind of scared that I was going to be pushed in, but I slowly, step by step headed closer to the edge of the pond. Then I peared over to look at my reflection. And then I was taken aback.

The reflection was anyone but me. The person looked graceful and what was the word, oh yes, she looked like she was royalty. Like she deserved to be on the throne, so basically anything but me. Then I saw Gabe's reflection beside mine. He had a huge smile spread across his face. I turned to him and hugged him tightly.

It was an impulse really. I didn't think about it much, it just well happened I guess. But he wasn't complaining, he was actually...hugging back? Wow, I feel like I'm in heaven!! I am floating on air. I've always liked air. I feel so childish right now.

"So you like it then?' Gabe said hopfully over my shoulder. I pulled back and looked at him, a huge grin plastered on his face.

"Yes thank you so much", I said excitedly.

"You deserve them I mean you know" he said trailing off looking away from me.

"Ooh that. Yeah I guess but I knew it was the right thing to do" I said.

"Hey you want to go for ice cream?" he asked me nervously. Wait did he just ask me out? OHMYGOSH HE JUST ASKED ME OUT!!

"Yeah sure why not? Sounds like fun. But your paying" I said walking away from him.

"Wait, WHAT? I'm not paying", he said defencively.

"Too bad, I'm not either".

"That's not fair", he whined.

I just smiled and sauntered away. He ran to catch up to me and handed me my bag, which now contained all my stuff I dropped recently. Then I realised I still had my necklace on.

"Maybe I should take the necklace off now" I suggested.

"Yeah sure I'll help take it off" he said stepping behind me to buckle the necklace. His hands cold against my rising body temperature. Goodness, Mandy, is this going to happen everytime he decides to say or do something to me.

"Here"he said handing me the necklace. I took it and carfully placed it back in the box. Making sure to put the box at the bottom so no one would steal it.

"Alright then, let's go" I said.

As we walked to the ice cream place we started to talk about what we've been up to for the past six years. Stuff like friends, our careers, the celebrities we met. It was a pretty good conversation. And it felt natural and actually fun. Then we walked into the ice cream shop and to my suprise, guess who was there. Lizzie and Cole, and Will and Suhy. Well actually that isn't such a big suprise.

"Well what do we have here", I taunted as I walked up to their table. I looked at Gabe who was smirking. I nodded. DId they honestly think they could get away with a double date with out me knowing? If they did, it was a foolish thought.

"Um we are on a um date?" Lizzie said phrasing the sentence as a question.

"Yeah a um you know double date?" Suhy said in the same question phrasing voice.

"Ooh I see. Um Suhy Lizzie? Can you come with me to the bathroom", I said innocently.

"But I don't have to go", Lizzie said happily.

"Yes, you do" I said. I looked like I scared the witts out of them. I like scaring people.

I opened the door to the bathroom and slammed it shut, locking it behind me.

"Really? A double date? And you didn't tell me?" I hissed.

"I'm sorry but you had that thing with Gabe..." Suhy said trailing off.

"What thing with Gabe?" I questioned, wondering how they knew about this.

"I heard he broke up with Mia and you had something to do with it" Lizzie said pointing at me, right to my soul.

"What? Ok so maybe I did but that's done with" I said flipping my hand.

"Uh huh" Lizzie and Suhy said in sinc.

"Alright um maybe we should get back out there" I suggested. They nodded and followed me out.

"You got twenty days Morales, twenty days. And if it doesn't happen before then that's the end of it. Understood?' I heard a voice say as I turned the corner. Then I saw the producer of the show exit the shop. I am going to assume that it was something important.

"Hey guys sorry, but what was that all about?" I asked calmly.

"That ooh nothing" Gabe exclaimed a little to happily for my taste. I shot him a confused look. But he wouldn't meet my eye. Strange. Sometimes I think this boy is bipolar. A lot of guys are these days, some times I feel they have more mood swings than girls do. Ugh, hormones.

"Alright then" Lizzie said giving me and Suhy a look. I knew that look. It was her we-have-to-go-ninja-now look. But after that I relaxed a little more. Enjoying my ice cream and the company of my friends. I was until I heard.......

"Whatever you do Gabe, you can't tell Mandy. Everything depends on this", Cole whispered to Gabe's ear. Gabe nodded.

Whatever this 'thing' is, I am going to find out. Ninja style.

20 days until SunsetWhere stories live. Discover now