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Needless to say, I was upset. I really thought he'd say yes. I was really stupid enough to believe I was loveable. Seething, I go home. It's around 5. My urges to kill had never been stronger. I need it. Self-doubt was clouding over my brain.

So I wait. I wait until it's late at night. With my knife in my pocket, I exit my house.

"Sup, freak." my neighbor yells. He's just getting home. He's about 20 years old. He likes to throw loud, crowded parties at a house that I'm sure his filthy rich parents bought him. He's called me 'freak' since I moved in. I can usually tolerate it. I've been called a lot worse. With a loud sigh, I turn to him.

"Y'know, you might want to just keep your mouth shut." I inhale.

"Oh yeah? Why's that?" he asks with a slight East Coast drawl.

"What are you gonna do, freak?" he asks, stepping closer. I tower over the man, by at least half a foot. He's a lot... heavier, per se. Broad shoulders, thick biceps. He's wearing a white wife-beater and baggy shorts. I've heard his buddies calling him "Combo" but I doubt it's his real name. I can see the glint of his lip ring in the pale moonlight.

"Nothing you want to find out about." I crack my neck and look back down at him.

"Wow, look at you. Mr. Tough Guy." he places a hand on my chest and shoves me backwards a bit. I feel the knife in my pocket and debate it. I shouldn't. There's a higher risk of getting caught. But he's such a dick, and I really really want to. So I pull out my knife. His eyes widen. I lunge toward him and bury it between his ribs. He tries to fight back. We struggle into the alleyway. Over and over, I thrust the blade into the flesh. He gets weaker and weaker, until the man collapses onto the pavement. I lean against the wall, panting, and slide down in, my knees drawn up to my chest. My hands and clothes are covered in blood. His blood. I feel content.

"9-1-1, whats your emergency?"

"M-my neighbor, he attacked me! He had a knife, I- I managed to get it from him, I think he's dead!" I stammer, throwing in an emotional voice crack.

"Are you injured?" the woman asks.

"Yes, he stabbed my shoulder! I-its bleeding pretty bad." I reply dumbly, whilst jamming the knife below my collarbone. I clench my jaw, trying not to make any noise. Thankfully, there don't seem to be any witnesses. I get up and kneel beside Combo, and with my jacket sleeve, I pick up his hand and press his finger onto the knife.

"Alright. Can you give us an address please?" she asks calmly.

"Uh, um, yeah. It's the ally on 4th and Freemont." I say, looking up at the street sign.

"Perfect, thank you Sir. We're sending an ambulance now. Can you stay on the line?"


A few minutes later, the red flashing of the ambulance pulls my attention to the end of the ally. Blood had soaked through my black bomber jacket. Paramedics rush toward me. They help me up and into the ambulance. Several cop cars pull up behind it, but the doors close before anything else happens.

time skip

The wound that I created wasn't too bad, and it only took a few staples and some butterfly bandages before I was done. I gave my statement to the police while the staples were being put it.

"Dallon!" I hear someone shout. I look up from my hospital bed. Brendon is here. I forgot he was my emergency contact. "Hey, Bren." I smile weakly. He's wearing sweatpants and a sweatshirt that I recognize as my own. "What happened?!" he asks. "My neighbor attacked me with a knife." I exhale heavily. He raises an eyebrow. I give him a small shake of my head.
"Are you okay?" I nod. The raven-haired boy tries to hug me, but I push him away. "Shoulder." I nod my head to the side. He looks down at m bandaged skin. "Right, sorry." "It's fine." I slip my shirt back on.

The doctor insists that I go home with Brendon, just in case. "So, I made a decision about your proposal." Brendon says as we're driving home. "Thought you need a few days." I mutter. "Yeah, and then I thought you were dying, so-" Brendon sighs.

"I wanna marry you Dallon."

I look over at the younger boy. "Really?" I ask. Brendon nods as we pull into the parking lot of his apartment. "Yeah. I love you. So much, Dal-" before he can finish his sentence, I lean over the console and kiss him passionately. It's a slow, sweet moment.

"I love you more." I smile softly. Brendon boops the my nose with his fingertip. "Not true." the raven-haired man opens his car door and steps out. I chuckle and get out as well.

"It is so true!" I protest, jogging to catch up with him. "Um, actually, it's not, cuz I love you more." he replies with a smug smile. Suddenly, I drop my grin and move closer to him. His eyes widen a bit. I give him a piercing stare. With one hand, I grab Brendon's jaw and pull our faces closer. He looks a bit scared now. "I love you more." I kiss his cheek quickly and let go, grinning. "You suck!" Brendon wails playfully, lightly punching my bicep. I flick his forehead and he starts chasing after me. Giggling, I run up the stairs to his apartment and get out my key. I can't open the door before Brendon catches up to me.

We stumble into his living room, still laughing. I place one hand over the small of Brendon's back and the other on his chest, dip him slightly, and lean down to kiss him. He grabs the back of my neck to further steady himself.

Slowly, the kiss starts heating up. I lick his bottom lip, asking permission. Brendon grants it, parting his plump lips and allowing me to slide my tongue past his teeth. The shorter male moans quietly. We slowly make our way to the bedroom, not even noticing we're moving until I pull off to take a breath. Brendon's lips are slightly swollen and shiny with spit. His fluffy hair is a bit disheveled. I back him up against the bedroom wall and kiss him once more. I run my hand down his chest. "A-are you sure you wanna do this? Even with your shoulder?" he asks nervously, with wide eyes. "I like a little bit of pain, baby."

time skip

We lay next to each other, panting for a few moments. "Holy fuck." Brendon says. "Agreed." I pull the blanket up over us, and the smaller boy curls up close to me, resting his head on my chest. I wrap my arm around his shoulders. "You should move in with me." I say. "Really?!" he asks, sitting up to look at me. He's grinning widely. "Yeah. I mean- we're engaged, so..." I chuckle. "Y'know, I never planned to stay here." he says, sitting up against the headboard. I give him a questioning look.


"I don't like staying in one place for too long. Because then I make friends, create relationships. Then I tear it all down. Someone hurts me, or I hurt someone. It's just better to keep moving." I shrug. "Oh." Dallon replies quietly. "Well, I just want you to know that you'll always be safe with me. No matter what."

"Ryan said the same thing."


"My ex."

"Well I mean it, Brenny. You know I won't hesitate to slaughter anyone who looks at you wrong." His voice gives me chills. I look up at him. Dallon's eyes are filled with a burning anger. His jaw is clenched slightly, until he breaks into a wide smile. "Kidding." I roll my eyes, laughing. "Having a serial killer fiancé certainly has its perks." I reply. "Told you." he leans in and kisses me softly. Dallon wraps his arm around my shoulders and we

I lay my head on his chest, his arm stays around me. I can hear his heart beating in the quiet room. It reminds me that we're both alive and safe. We've got each other.

My own heart beats solely for him.

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