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The pavement blurs beneath my shoes as I run faster than I ever have in my life. My chest burns and my legs are starting to hurt. A few tears fall from my eyes. I don't know where I am. Nothing looks familiar. I ran from the cabin, down a gravel road, until I got to a paved street. I don't know how far that psychopath took me. I check my pockets. My phone is gone. Eventually I slow to a stop. Finally, I see a street sign. I try and picture the town's layout, based on the slightly familiar street name. I realize I'm all the way across town. Adrenaline is pumping through my veins as I trudge along the sidewalk, feeling exhausted, scared, and confused. I should tell the police, right? I mean, I don't want him to follow through with his threat, although it seemed pretty hard to follow through on...

Through all the chaos in my mind, the one thing I keep picturing is the man's eyes. They were a gorgeous grey-blue color. But it wasn't just that. He didn't have the eyes of a madman. His eyes were calm, and gentle. They weren't the crazed eyes of someone who wanted to torture me. They were the eyes of someone who's been misunderstood, mistreated, and cast out.

But I don't know if I'll survive falling in love again.

lovesick criminal • brallonWhere stories live. Discover now