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The sunlight seeping through the blinds is what wakes me up. I sit up and stretch. When I turn to the side, Dallon is next to me, asleep. He looks so cute while he's sleeping; his chest rising and falling slowly, a few strands of hair covering his eyes. I stare at him for a few more seconds before standing up. There's a dull ache in my lower back, but I manage to throw on a pair of boxers and Dallon's shirt, which was laying on the ground. I walk quietly out of my room and into the kitchen. I'm thankful that I don't have work today, because I really don't feel like doing much.

Soon, I hold two mugs of coffee in my hand. "Hey, Dal. Wake up." I poke his shoulder. His eyes flutter open. "Good morning." Dallon yawns. I hand him the coffee. "Oh, thank you." he takes a sip. I'm sitting criss cross, facing him. "Is that my shirt?" the brunette asks, sitting up. I blush. "Yeah, I hope you don't mind." "No, definitely not. You look cute."

"So... are we like... dating now?" Dallon asks, breaking the silence. I think for a moment. "If you want to, then fuck yeah." I look at him. He grins. "Good. Okay." I lean in and kiss him softly, tasting his coffee.

time skip
Later, we decided to go into town. We walk around downtown, where all the cute little shops are.

Soon, we come across a crowd. A crowd gathered around a ditch by the side of the road. Several police cars, an ambulance, and a van labeled "Utah Medical Examiner" are all parked close together. I snap my gaze up at Dallon, my jaw dropping slightly. He's gone pale. The crowd parts as two paramedics roll a stretcher to the ambulance. A sheet covers the body. "C-can we leave?" The brunette says quietly. I nod quickly and we walk away from the scene.

"What's it like?" I ask when we're back at my house. He looks at me. "This is a very interesting first date.." he chuckles. I break into a smile. "Well, we aren't the most conventional couple."  "It's... odd. I get a little nervous beforehand, but after i-its done, I feel calm. Like I've accomplished what I needed to do. Like I've satisfied this deep, dark need." he explains, looking off into the distance. "Huh." I exhale. "Sorry, I didn't make you feel weird or anything, right?" Dallon asks nervously, looking at me. I shake my head. "No, no not at all."

time skip like an hour or whateva
"Well, I think I should get going.. I have work in the morning." Dallon says. "Oh, yeah, me too actually." I laugh a little bit. "When can I see you again?" he asks, kissing me softly once we've both stood up. His touch makes my stomach do flips, and I can barely think of a response. "Uh, uhm, I'm free  Wednesday." The brunette grins.


uhm ok I kinda feel like this is rlly bad, so if y'all hate this story,,, tell me pls.

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