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I slide into the seat next to the man, not making eye contact. "Funny meeting you here." I say. "I can't stop thinking about you, y'know." he replies. His voice sounds so pretty. Smooth, and deep. "Well, I guess that makes two of us." I sigh."Oh really?" he questions, slightly surprised. I nod. "I-i want to talk to you. Somewhere where we won't be bothered." He takes a sip of his drink. "You wanna get out of here?" The brunette asks. "Why, so you can kidnap me? No friggin way." I laugh dryly. I glance over and see that his face has fallen. "Not you. Not again." he says quietly. "I would actually like to talk. I have a lot to say to you." I reply blankly.

Suddenly he stands up. "Well then let's go." I quickly down the rest of my whiskey and put a five dollar bill down on the table. I follow the brunette outside. It's strange, but I almost feel... safe with him. I know that I absolutely should not, but I can't help it. So when he asks if I want to go back to his place, I can't really help my automatic answer.


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