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After that afternoon, I didn't talk to Dallon much. I felt awful. I wish he'd text me, or call me. Anything at all. I went through my shift feeling gloomy, barely talking to my co-workers.

My 6 hour shift finally ends. I drive home silently, not even turning on the radio. When I get back to my apartment, the door is unlocked. I frown in confusion. Dallon has his own key, but he didn't say he'd be coming over. I open the door and gasp. The tall man is kneeling down on one knee in the living room, dressed in a suit and tie, holding a small black box with a diamond ring. A bouquet of roses sits by his knee. My jaw drops.

"Brendon, ever since I met you, I've been in love with you. Everything about you. Your smile, your laugh, the way you get all serious when you're really listening. I love your sense of humor. I love you don't judge others. You're perfect, Brenny. And I know that you're the one I want to spend the rest of my life with. We've had so many obstacles thrown at us, but we've recovered, and come back even stronger. I need you in my life. You're the one thing keeping me afloat. You make me so happy. So I ask you- Brendon Urie, will you marry me?"

I freeze. His smile falters. "I- I don't know. I need a f-few days to think about this." I stammer. Dallon's face falls. "Oh." He stands up, shutting the box with a heavy snap. "It's just so sudden. I'm sorry, Dal. It's not you, I just need a little time. My last marriage didn't end great." I mumble the last part.

"What? You've been married before?" he gapes.

I exhale. "For like, a month when I was 20." I reply.

"Oh. It didn't end too well..?" He trails off, leaving room for a explanation of my previous statement.

"Horribly. That's why I moved here. But, really Dal. I just need a little bit of time to think."

I place my hand delicately on his chest. The brunette nods and takes my hand in his. Lightly, he kisses the top of it.

"I understand."

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