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"Nurse, let me out! Let me out!"

The nurse behind the locked door sighed heavily, frustrated to the core. "Dindin-ssi, please take your medication or the doctor will inject you to sleep!"

"I need to go to my classes!"

"Aigoo." The nurse groaned. She walked away, deciding that the doctor should step in. She has been there for 20 minutes and Dindin still wouldn't want to eat his medication or go to sleep. It was already half past midnight and she's tired to the core.

She stepped into the doctor's office, and the doctor raised his brows.

"That face does not look like a good sign." He said.

The nurse nodded. "Dindin is getting worse."

"No." The doctor replied seriously. "He's just triggered of his past."

"What past?"

The doctor sighed. "He was a mighty bully when he was a kid, but one unusual fight made him traumatized. He nearly killed someone when he was just 10 years old, and the word got out in his school."

The nurse just listened, wide-eyed and shocked.

"He was isolated after that, and ever since that his body growth messed up, his anxiety worsened, and he became too desperate to have friends." He continued. "From someone everybody wanted to friends with to a loner nobody cared about, he lost everything he was proud of. Even after years of treatment, he's still triggered by his own horrible actions."

"How did you know of this, doctor?" The nurse was curious. "You're too young to be a doctor back then, so it's surprising that you know his past. Were you somehow related?"

His lips curved into a calm smile as he glanced at the photo frame on his office desk; consisting of him and his younger brother-


"Geum Jae songsaengnim?" The nurse called when he didn't reply.

Geum Jae just shrugged. "Let's just say that the world is small, and some shadows never fade away."



I hope you enjoyed this story! I will post a last Author's Note because I promised to tell you guys something about this story. I hope yall read that. Please leave some comments too about this story, thanks!

Oh, and CLASSIFIED, my new fanfic, is out! Check it out!

Unshadow (Moonbyul X Yoongi)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant