Chapter 15

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I accidentally replaced the full version to the older version which caused the chapter to be empty again. That is why this update is late. Stupid me. Sorry, here it is.

TMI: I got CGPA 3.97 for my recent finals. Was targeting a 4 flat but hmmm issokay. I'll study harder next time. Idk if you guys care but I'm just gonna post it here for the record :3



Funny how I started from crushing Yoongi... to being friends with him.

It has already been months since orientation, and mid terms are over, which means our final exams are coming up very quick.

After the last time I slept at Yoongi's house, I've been waiting for him to text me and ask me out. I kept his clothes in my locker safe and sound, like it was my most treasured possession. Because it was!

In my entire life, I've never really felt this... alive.

All these years, I've seen people being loved and loving- but it never happened to me. Okay, not that Yoongi likes me or anything... but for now, I actually stand a chance, which is crazy!

Me finally being loved... seemed too good to be true.


But here is another part of the story.

Every time I posted something new on my social media accounts, I would be so damn scared to receive replies from Dindin. It was just a short message at first, but then it got too creepy to ignore.

"You went out without me again :("

"You said you were busy but you're out with your classmates again :("

His replies would always indicate something like I left him out but the case is I didn't need him in my activities. Why would I do a group discussion with him in it? Why would I ask him out to buy groceries with my friends? Why do I have to let him know everything I do?

It was creepy, and even Yongsun was worried as his texts was too frequent and on a daily basis.

And so, I decided to hide all my stories and posts from him.

"Why don't you just block him?" That was what Yongsun said. "He's getting too creepy!"

Well, I thought he didn't mean it. I also thought it would be too cruel to just fully block him out, so I let him be. Besides, I thought it was not a big deal- that maybe it was just me overthinking.

I thought it would stop him.

But turns out... it didn't.

"I noticed you haven't been posting anything lately, are you okay?"

My hands started to tremble when I finished reading the text. I ignored it, taking a deep breath and getting my thought off of it by doing my assignments.

I left his texts just like that ever since.


It was a Friday evening, right one week after the incident in the elevator and the night I slept at Yoongi's house. He didn't contact me through the week, which kinda made me wonder how his week went. I was thinking of texting him, but I heard that the student representative council had a lot going on for an event, so I didn't. I wouldn't want to be a busybody in his daily life, besides the photoshoot was a success and the magazine is going to be published in a month. That's what I heard from Chanyeol though.

Unshadow (Moonbyul X Yoongi)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora