Chapter 16

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A quick update to feed your curiosity. But maybe it will just make you more curious so I might update another chapter later today. (Might)

Please enjoy and don't forget to comment!

And I hope you're not tooo confused!


As soon as I got into the car, my whole body was frozen, but my heart was racing like crazy- especially when Yoongi sat down beside me in the driver's seat.

I turned my head to look at him but he didn't utter a single word. His engine was already on, meaning that he probably ran out when he saw me hitting the crap out of Dindin.

Yoongi stayed mute as he drove the car out of the hostels parking area and went straight towards the university's exit. I didn't have a single idea of where he was going to bring me, and yet I also stayed quiet the whole way.

I tried to calm myself down, shoving the images of Dindin's angry face away and trying not to get worked up again. I gulped, looking down all the time, not even bothered by the night lights starting to illuminate the streets.

All this time, I've been doing well.

I didn't injure anyone since I first came here.

No one knows what I am capable of. Not even Yongsun. I've hid it well, sometimes I forgot I can lose control. I was finally getting better- with Yoongi being my crush, I made him a distraction of my own pain. To cover up my own stone heart, Yoongi has been a great distraction. My crush on him was so real.

But now, my secret is out.

And it just had to be Yoongi to first know it.

What if he's taking me somewhere to get mad at me? What if he's going to threaten me to stay away from him after what he saw, and leave me there? Worse case... he might even be driving to the police station!

"Where are we going?" I finally croaked, but I didn't dare to face him.

The road ahead was unfamiliar to me. Rain drops were starting to pour, the sound of it hitting the glass windows were getting louder and louder- filling in the silence between us.

Yoongi suddenly took a deep breath and breathed out.

"You'll see."


After a few long minutes of silence and loud rain sounds filling the atmosphere, I realised we were in a housing neighbourhood. I squinted my eyes, trying to figure out where we were. I couldn't recognise anything; the houses, trees, pathways- none. Maybe we're just passing by.

But soon after my assumption, Yoongi started to slow down. I still couldn't look at him, so I just stared blankly outside.

My eyes fall onto an empty field. The rain dripping down the window made it harder to see it but I managed to see a red slide. After analysing the colourful objects at the empty field, I began to realise what it was.

A playground.

Yoongi pulled the brakes right beside the field, and the playground was visible beside me. My brows furrowed in confusion, so I finally turned to Yoongi.

He was staring at me with this super blank face.

Then he sighed and looked down, before looking out of his own window.

His behaviour was making me anxious. "Why did you bring me here? What is this place?"

I turned to look back at the playground. Why on earth did he bring me to a playground? Did he bring me here intentionally, or not? My eyes started to widen in horror as I thought of the consequences. Is he going to leave me in the rain or something?

Is he that mad?

"Moon Byul Yi."

He sounded so damn familiar, I turned back to him in just a heartbeat.

I could see moisture in his eyes.

Confusion hits me hard.

He's crying?

His lips tremble as he wiped away a tear that escaped his eyes. "I never thought I would met you again like this, Byullie. I really didn't."


He was on the verge of tears, but managed to stay composed and put on his usual calm face. That face I saw ever since orientation.

"You really don't remember me, do you?" He tried to smile. "I... I really wished it wasn't you, I really tried to not approach you, but- but I couldn't... I knew it was you."

I couldn't understand a word he was saying. Every stutter and pause in his voice, I had no clue of what he was talking about. I had no idea why he was breaking in front of me, when I am supposed to be the person breaking down. I was the one who did the beating on someone, but right this very moment...

Why is Yoongi the one breaking down?

"What are you..." My chest was heavy. "Trying to tell me?"

Yoongi looked at me with those shiny eyes, his nose red.

"This is not our first encounter, Byullie."

My whole world started to shake at his words.

"And what you did back there," Yoongi sniffled.

"It wasn't my first time seeing that either."


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