Chapter 13: Behold Today's Champions

Start from the beginning

"We are focusin', you just need to see the bigger picture." Y/N says, smiling innocently as she pats his shoulder. "Mind games start before the match begins. We're already winnin'."

~  ~  ~  ~  ~

"They're still winnin' in straight sets? At this point they'll get to Interhigh without ever droppin' a set!"

The Inarizaki team sits in the audience as they wait for the other semi-final match to finish. Looking at the scoreboard, they're probably going to verse Nakiusagi in the finals again.

Osamu munches on some onigiri he packed for the day as he watches the match with the rest of the team. Meanwhile, Atsumu watches the game intensely, analysing and criticising everything that's happening. Y/N's just glad there are no cameras nearby to hear his trashy commentating, that could be career ruining.

The sound of the whistle snaps Y/N out of her thoughts as she glances back down to the game. Seems like they're versing Nakiusagi afterall.

"There's gonna be a short break before finals, so you can all break off into your own groups for now. But make sure to come back before the match starts!" Coach Kurosu instructs, getting everyone's attention. "We already won a spot at Nationals, but I don't wanna see any of you slackin' in the final match, got it? Let's win the whole qualifiers in straight sets."

"Osamu... you'll get sick if you eat all that before the match..." Y/N sweat-drops as she watches Osamu hoard one of every snack in the vending machine, it's a relief that he's rich or else he'd probably be living on the streets at this point.

Osamu rolls his eyes as he stuffs the last of the snacks into his extra bag. "I'm not gonna eat it now. I'm savin' 'em for later, when I get hungry."

"Oh really? So you're sayin' you're not hungry now?"

"...I didn't say that."

Facepalming, Y/N holds out her hand, gesturing for him to give her the bag. Pretending he doesn't understand what she means, he places his hand in hers, smiling innocently at her unimpressed expression. "The bag, Osamu."

He rolls his eyes as he gives her the bag, huffing childishly as he stuffs his hands into his pockets. "You better give it back after..."

"Oh I will, you can trust me." Y/N reassures, smiling up at him. "Anyway, there's a 100 yen per minute fee for makin' me carry around your bag, each day your payment's late is an extra 500 yen, so make sure to pay up quickly~"

"Say sike right now."

~  ~  ~  ~  ~

"We're goin' on in fifteen minutes, go make any quick toilet breaks now if ya need."

Atsumu and Y/N sit next to each other as they meticulously go through some notes on Nakiusagi in her notebook, coming up with potential plays and looking for weaknesses they can exploit. Suna sweat-drops as he looks at their concentrated expressions, they're going to win anyway, so why bother?

"Mm... their defence and teamwork is great, I'd hafta admit, but those weak-ass attacks ain't got nothin' on us."

"Wow, so rude. No wonder why they all hate you."

"Pretty sure that's not the only reason..." Osamu mumbles from behind them, yawning tiredly. He just wants to play the game and go home.

"Matsumoto-san's an annoyin' blocker though." Y/N says, ignoring Osamu as she points out Nakiusagi's second year middle blocker from earlier. "You guys have so much beef with each other, honestly, I would've thought you'd have a rivalry with a setter rather than a middle blocker."

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