Chapter 17 Saving Friends and Saying Goodbye

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Mal's Pov:

My father was still unconcious but he is still breathing so, he should be okay and wake up eventually. Everyone was quiet as we waited for something to happen.

"Someone needs to go check on Nico." I said distressed by the fact that he has not returned. Before I could say more I heard someone call my Name.

"Mal!" The voiced that yelled seem to be in distress. I turned and saw Nico's friends standing in their message screen.

"Whats wrong? Did you get the weapon?" I asked.

" Nico is in trouble!" a boy with bright green eyes stated.

"I knew it." I mumbled to myself, turning to the others as I began barking orders. "Jane take Jay, Gil, Harry and Carlos and go get Nico." She nodded her head and they headed out.

Carlos then turned around to look at Dude. " Stay dog, this is no place for you to be going with us." He commanded. The dog whined but complied.

Jane's Pov:

I can't believe Mal trust me to go rescue Nico. I mean I barely control my magic. I thought to myself as we headed out the door.

"Carlos am I really capable of leading us into this?" I asked him doubt clouding my features.

"Yes, you will do great Jane. I mean you're the daughter of fairy Godmother one of the most powerful magic users and you have been leading things your whole life." He responded cheerfully.

"You're right." I said a smile gracing my features as I began to plan everything out in my head.

"Good boy Carlos." we both suddenly heard from behind us and turned in shock to see dude had followed us.

"Dude!!" Carlos yelled at him " I told you to stay!" He sighed face palming.

"I still haven't passed obedience school." the dog replied seeming to almost shrug as he spoke.

Carlos shook his head and we continued forward. When we arrived to Nico's location that we found by following the loud noise Kronos made by attacking him to intimidate him while he was captured. We saw him in a cage that was slightly hovering from the ground.

"Jay, Harry, Gil go after Nico and free him from that cage. I will hold back and distract Kronos while Carlos watches my back." I said giving put orders.

The plan went down smoothly luckly and the boys were able to rip the cage down and put it in the way of Kronos's attack and break the lock to free Nico. We all then ran back to the house as Gods and Goddesses fully took over the distraction once again.

When we returned Nico pulled a coin out of his pocket and yelled out the name Percy and a video message screen appeared.

"We have to do this now." he said.

"We're ready." Percy answered.

Nico, Uma and Herky all grabbed onto a part of the weapon and pulled as the others on their side did the same.

A burst of magic flew into the air as the weapon came apart and went back to being three.

Suddenly, we heard a yell as Kronos lost the energy he had taken from the weapon and the Gods and Goddesses took care of the rest banishing him back to where he came from while he was at his weakest.

"We did it!" I cheered and the others joined in hugging eachother and rejoicing in our victory.

Nico's Pov

It's over. Its finally over I thought as the others jumped and cheered. Then reality sunk in. Though I had put it behind me in the moment many of the people I care about back home are hurt and I still have no clue who that piece of shist he had been hanging around with was. I shook my head I had to concentrate on here and now.

" I guess it's time for me to go home." I said turning to my new friends and sister.

Mal ran over and wrapped her arms around me.

"I'm gonna miss you." she said as she hugged me tightly.

"I'm gonna miss you too." I responded, my mind dirfting to Bianca for a moment. She would have loved Mal. I shook off my memories as Mal stepped back ending our embrace.

The others smiled at me and stepped forward each either hugging me or patting me on the back.

Once our goodbyes are finished I turned and concentrated on where I wanted to go and stepped into the shadows waving as I left.

When I exited the shadows I was home in the Hades cabin. I walked out and gasped at the mess that Camp Halfblood had become.

Flashback Percy's Pov:

We all waited in anticipation hoping Nico was okay in the other world. Then suddenly a message poped up and they told us they were ready. Sighing in relief we grabbed the weapon and a flash occured as the weapon seperated back into three items.

"No!" We could hear Kronos scream as he lost his power and was banished away by the Gods and Goddesses.

We all cheered as relief washed over us.

"Nico can come home now." I said happy that this ordeal was over with.

"We'll stay and help you rebuild" Magnus and the Kanes say at about the same time.

"Thanks." Annabeth responds to them as I look around at the mess this place has become.

We then racd over to the medical area that had been set up after the Apollo cabin fell in the fight.

"Is everyone ok?" Anabeth questioned.

"We lost a couple people but most are recovering well." One of Will's brothers responds.

Anabeth nods at the news and we then turn to check up on all of our friends.

Thalia runs over to Jason who is sitting on a cot seeming to have just woken up from his hypnos induced sleep. She then begins yelling at him that he is not allowed to die on her like that ever again and about how worried she was.

Frank runs over to Hazel who is still unconcious but the look on his face as a medic speaks with him tells us that she will be ok.

I follow Annabeth over to where Kayla is standing near Will's Cot. "How is he?" She asks.

"Still unconcious but he should recover slowly with the ambrosa treatment we are using. Though he has his good times and his bad just as the others do." She explained.

We nodded in understanding and just then Will began to convulse.

To be continued...

Authors note: Hi guys!!  Im so sorry for the wait things have been alittle crazy. Around the time I last posted things kinda went nuts. My classes went online for college and all that. I just finished those classes at the end of April. I've been working on this chapter for a while and kinda had soem writers block but i've got it planned out now so I will try to update more often. Happy reading!!

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