Chapter 7 Straightening Things Out and Strategizing

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Anabeth's Pov:

We had all been wondering how we could help Nico since we heard the first prophecy from Rachael. So, today we decided to visit Rachael again to see if we could find answers. What we didn't expect was to get another prophecy that confused us even more.

"Ultimate weapon?" Percy said staring at me in confusion.

"Don't look at me, cause for once I don't have an answer." I responded.

"We should ask Chiron." Jason chimed in.

We all nodded in agreement and headed towards the Big House.

When we arrived Chiron seemed to have anticipated our arrival.

He sighed as he told us to sit down and get comfortable.

"The prophecy was about the weapon wasn't it?" he said more as a statement then a question.

"How did you..?" I asked confused.

"I knew my father wouldn't stay gone forever, and this prophecy you heard was preordained just like the prophecy of a child of the big three."

" What is this weapon your talking about?" I asked

"The ultimate weapon is made of Zeus's lightning bolt, Poseidon's trident and Hades's helm of darkness. Kronos wielded the weapon during his reign and it was divided when he was killed and imprisoned in tartarus. The Gods thought dividing it would keep it's power from corrupting anyone else."

I could hear my boyfriend mumbling about how this was just another thing Poseidon, his father, had neglected to tell him about. Shrugging that off until later, I asked the obvious question.

" So, in order to destroy it children of the big three have to pull it apart?"

Chiron looked weary but responded, "Yes that is the only way."

"We better start planning then, come on Seaweed Brain lets go." I said pulling my still angrily mumbling boyfriend out of the big house.

Everyone followed me as we entered Cabin 3 sat around the table to begin planning out what to do. That's when I realized Will was no where to be seen.

Will's Pov:

I stood in woods not far from Rachael's cave pacing back and forth frustrated by this whole situation. I have to make this right, I have to fix this. Nico is lost in some other world, the world is in danger and it's all my fault. Just because I'm not a child of the big three doesn't mean I'm helpless. I made up my mind and headed straight towards where we last saw Kronos.

Piper's Pov:

"Wheres Will?" Anabeth asked staring at the rest of us.

Everyone shrugged their shoulders with looks of concern on their faces.

"He has probably gone off to do something crazy." I sighed "People do crazy things when they're in love."

"Okay," Anabeth sighed "Here's the plan, Percy and I will go round up some allies to help us in this fight. Piper you take Jason and the rest and go scout around and try to find Will."

"Alright, let's go." I said to the others as we turned and walked out of the cabin.

When we got to the edge of the woods I spoke up. "Okay guys, me and Jason can walk around near where we last saw Will at the cave. Frank you take Hazel and transform into some flying animal and search from the air in the other direction. Okay?" I said.

They all nodded in agreement and we headed into the woods.

Anabeth's Pov:

"So, who are we calling as allies?" Percy asked.

"Well first I'm calling my Cousin." I responded. "Then, we're going to try and find a way to contact Carter and Sadie."

He nodded in understanding and I pulled out my 'Leo phone' as we called them and dialed Magnus.

"Hello?" A voice said from the other end of the phone.

"Magnus, hi, do you have a moment to talk?" I asked him knowing he had his own problems to deal with.

"I always have time to time to talked to you Anabeth. You're family of course I can talk. What's going on?"

"It's to hard to explain on the phone. I need your help, we need your help. We have a large battle ahead of us and were gonna need all the people we can get."

"Count me in." He said immediately, and a smile landed on my face.

"Thanks, I owe you for this." I responded.

"No problem. I will get my friends together and meet you at our normal meeting spot in a hour."

"Ok, see you soon." I responded.

After I hung up the call with Magnus, I decided to try and call Sadie. The phone rang and then a voice answered that definitely wasn't Sadie.

"Hello?" The deep voice said.

"Hi, who is this?" I asked confused.

"I'm Walt, Sadie's boyfriend, Who am I speaking to?" He responded

"I'm Annabeth, a friend of Sadie and Carter."

Suddenly I heard Sadie in the background.

"WALT! GIVE ME MY PHONE!" She yelled.

"Hello?" She said taking the phone from Walt.

I told her the situation that we had going on and she said that her, Carter, and their top magicians would come to help us and the rest of Brooklyn house would be on standby. I told her where I wanted to meet and we hung up.

An hour later:

We waited at the meeting spot and suddenly a group of people materialized in front of us. I walked over and hugged my cousin before immediately asking how he got here from Boston so fast.

Be explained that Valhalla had doors everywhere and he simply exited right to this spot.

A few minutes later Sadie and Carter appeared with their friends. We greeted eachother and then it was time for introductions.

"Sadie and Carter, this is my cousin Magnus Chase son of Frey, a Norse god and his friends..."

"Blitzen the dwarf, Hearthstone the elf, Alex Fierro my girlfriend/boyfriend, daughter/son of Loki, Samira, daughter of Loki, Thomas Jefferson Jr, Mallory and finally Halfborn Gunderson." He introduced them one by one.

"Magnus meet Sadie and Carter patrons to the Egyptian Goddess Isis and the Egyptian God Horus and their friends.."

"Walt,Patron to Anubis, Zia Rashid, Patron to Ra and Jaz our healer." Sadie introduced.

The two groups were shocked to know of the other but didn't question things knowing the situation was serious and we didn't have time.

"Egyptians, Greeks and now Norse gods too, geez what's next Roman gods?" Carter commented

"Actually.." Percy began

"Wait.. Roamns exist too!?" The others commented.

"Yup." Percy said.

"Ok guys, normally we wouldn't bring others to our camp but this is an emergancy situation so lets go."

Arriving at camp

Suddenly as we arrived to the camp the others came running.

"Guys, whats wrong!?" I asked

"Will is in trouble, he went after Kronos himself and got captured." Jason explained.

Author's Note: hi guys!!, I just went back to college so forgive me if updates are slow for the next few months. Comment. Vote and follow me if you want. See you next time!!

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