Better Together (3) Surprise

Start from the beginning

after Jackson went to bed and I had Steve set up Emma's portable crib I stood in my room rocking her , she was almost asleep before I heard the sound. The sound Matt said was the only one that would disturb Emma her sleeping , thunder. I sighed before Emma started fussing , she clung to her blanket as she began to wail , thankfully Jackson was a heavy sleeper. I remember when Jackson was younger he was beyond terrified of thunderstorms and would have to sleep with me , and he sometimes still would when a storm came across. I knew exactly where he got it from , Steve when he was younger was afraid of them too and I know this because I distinctly remember teasing him about it when we were kids. It felt like just yesterday I was cradling Jackson and comforting him from a storm , I felt like my baby boy was growing up faster then I thought and holding Emma in my arms made me wonder , did I want another baby?

It was almost two months after Jackson was born and for what felt like the first time in a while Steve and I were in a really good place. we weren't arguing , we were communicating better and not only that Jackson was doing great. he was a bit more alert , he was starting to make so of the cutest little sounds and was the absolute most adorable thing I had ever seen. Steve's Parents were out of town visiting his sister and since I felt bad that Steve would be by himself and that I didn't want him getting lonely. I decided to pack a small bag for Jackson and I so we could stay there with him , we had all finally settled down for the night when I heard the faint sounds of Jackson cry. I quickly got up leaving the peacefully asleep Steve , I picked Jackson up from the basinet before rocking him in my arms , I tried everything , rocking him , singing to him , giving him his pacifier. Nothing absolute nothing was soothing him I tried standing , sitting I even went downstairs and tried walking around . Lights on , lights off and nothing he was still upset which started to worry me since I knew he was feed and changed and that's when I looked out the living room window and noticed something , it was raining. Not raining but pouring , I could see some lightening in the distance before a clap of thunder which seemed to upset Jackson even more. It was the storm that was bothering him , I remember Steve was afraid of them when he was younger and still was (but didn't like it when someone brought that up). Before I could turn around and took him upstairs I heard a voice say "Y/N" I turned to see Steve standing by the stairs. I spoke saying "thunderstorms he's afraid of thunderstorms like you" Steve sighed saying "I am not afraid of a stupid storm" I sighed before I added "I'll probably be up with him for a while". Steve shook his head saying "no that's ridiculous just come back to bed" I again sighed saying. "I can't I-" he cut me off saying "just put him in between us he'll be fine" I responded saying. "He can't he's tiny" Steve responded saying "he's two months old , and if your really worried I'll put him on my chest , he won't move an inch. I spoke again saying "are you sure he'll be okay" he nodded saying "I'm sure". I awoke the following morning in Steve's arms to the view of Jackson perfectly asleep , and I swore he was snoring almost just like Steve does. I carefully escaped his arms before grabbing the camera out of my bag , that I threw in there last minute before capturing the perfect moment between the love of my life and our son.
******Flashback Over******
I almost had Emma asleep again before another clap of thunder woke her , Steve entered our room before saying "still not down yet" I shook my head before he said. "can I try" I shrugged as he added "It would give me practice" I sighed saying "practice for what". Steve was silent until he responded saying "for if we have to watch her again". Not that I believed his excuse I nodded before handing Emma to him since I was a bit tired from work , taking care of Jackson and Buster and then adding Emma to the mix. Even more time had passed and Emma was still awake , I then remembered what helped Jackson during thunderstorms and what Matt had said early. I walked into the kitchen where Steve was swaying Emma in his arms while whistling what I was pretty sure was a nursery rhyme. I spoke saying "Steve bring her with us" he shrugged while Emma was pulling onto Steve's hair. I added "just put her between us and when she falls asleep I'll put her in the crib" Steve sighed saying "fine but will that even work"

The storm continued throughout the night before I awoke to hearing a voice call for me several times , I quickly sat up to see Jackson standing by my bed. I spoke saying "hi sweet pea , are you okay" he shrugged before I added "is it the storm". Jackson quickly shook his head saying "no I just wanted to see if you were okay" I knew exactly what he was doing , Jackson was currently going through a faze where he would pretend to not be not bothered or afraid of certain things that both Steve and I knew did bother him. Giving that I knew this information I spoke again saying "well can I tell you a secret" Jackson nodded before I added. "I'm a little scared of the storm , so how about you come snuggle with me and daddy" he quickly nodded before saying "mama". I responded saying "yes sweetie" he then added "can Buster lay with us too". I sighed saying "yes Buster can lay with us" he quickly ran out of the room before he returned with Buster and his blanket. as everyone got settled I swore I heard the faint sound of Steve chuckle to himself.

I awoke the following morning with not only Jackson snuggled to me but Emma and Buster , I carefully tried to move but both Emma and Jackson clung to me. I sighed before seeing Steve standing in the doorway with a mug in his hand , he walked over before placing the mug onto my bedside table. He placed a kiss atop my head before saying "good morning" I responded saying "good morning" he then added. "Okay who need's to be moved first" I chuckled before saying "they're fine , could you hand me my coffee though" he nodded before handing me the mug saying. "I'll uh go make breakfast" I nodded before taking in the view of my son and my niece snuggling to me as well as Buster , which I didn't like to admit but I was growing very fond of him. A few minutes of peace and quiet and one by one they each woke up , first Jackson who then decided to wake Buster , Then Emma who realized she wasn't in Colleen's arms but mine. She of course began to fuss before she saw Buster trotting around to which she then quickly got up and began to follow him. After breakfast Steve went to take a shower , It was shortly after I got Emma dressed I heard knocks on the door which I knew meant that was Matt's dad coming to get Emma. After she left Steve walked out of the bedroom dressed with his hair still wet saying. "Where's Emma" I responded saying "oh Mr. Patterson just got her" Steve frowned saying "oh just now" I nodded before Jackson ran over to Steve saying "daddy now that Emma's gone can we go to the park". Steve shrugged saying "yeah that's fine I guess" Jackson ran by the door to get his shoes before I notice that Steve seemed somewhat sad that Emma was gone maybe even upset. It was odd the way Steve was acting and there was no way Steve was still hung up on this baby stuff right ?

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