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Least I could do.

When I wake up there's a note and other things beside me. I raise my shirt up and look at my wound. It's very shittily bandaged but it's something.

I sit up and wince. I have to get home before Fiona sends a search party out.

I stand up and nearly fall. Once I get outside I know where I'm at. It's a ten minute walk to my house.

Steve is the only one at the house when I get there.

"Your sister is worried about you." He says.

"Tell her I'm fine." I say. He stands up.

"Where have you been? Are you okay?" I wince when he gets too close. He grabs my shirt.

"Did one of your little buddies do this?" He asks. I shake my head.

"It's nothing." I go to walk upstairs.

"Your sister told me about what happened last year." I stop. "I wondered who you pissed off to be able to have them shoot at you then I put two and two together with how much you put into bills each month."

"It's none of your business what I do with my life. You aren't my dad. You aren't my sister boyfriend. You're just some guy." I go upstairs and lay on the bed until Lip gets home.

"Glad to see you finally made an appearance." He says, lighting a cigarette.

"I was feeling sick so I stayed with Dom." I tell him.

"A call would have been nice. Feeling better?" He asks. I shake my head.

"I'll save some for you from dinner and bring it up. Go back to sleep." He closes the door behind him and I do.

I wake up and hear everyone downstairs eating. I sit up and decide the change the bandages which are stained black by now.

I put alcohol on it and bite down on the blanket to keep from screaming. I go back to sleep after.

I jerk when I feel someone touch my forehead. I look up to see Fiona.

"Hey. Lip said you weren't feeling good. Is it sugar sick or something else?" She asks.

"Something else. I think it's just a bug. I'll be fine." I tell her.

"Alright. I brought you something to eat if you're hungry. If you need anything just yell." She says. I go back to sleep until I hear everyone eating downstairs.

I need to make an appearance. I go downstairs and sit on the couch. My siblings look at me.

Lip comes in and sits next to me. "He knows." I freeze.

"Does Fi believe him?" I ask. He shakes his head.

"Let's go back upstairs." He grabs my arm and I follow him upstairs.

"Let me see your side. He keeps saying you have something wrong with it." I sigh and raise my shirt up to let him see the bandages.

"It's not that bad." I tell Lip. He takes the bandages off and I wince.

"Oh my god, Livy. You need to go to the hospital." He says. I shake my head.

"No. No hospitals." I tell him. He rebandages it and sighs.

"If it gets infected you will go." He says. I lay back down on the bed.

South Side, Baby ~ Shameless Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang