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I see Vontay smirk. "I'm pretty sure you're the only person in our affiliation that actually goes by something similar to their real name." He sits up.

"Don't think what happened last time is going to happen again." I say, trying to stand up.

"What do you need? I got it." He asks.

"I was going to make a sandwich." I tell him.

He leaves and comes back after a few minutes. "Now why can't it happen again? It was so much fun." He gives me a fake frown.

"I've been seeing someone. Also Probably because I have a hole in my stomach. No one in my family except Lip knows what I'm involved in or how I got this." I tell him.

I turn the tv on and play a movie. "Do you know who did it to you?" He asks.

"No. All I remember was he said next time he'd shoot me. Then I went into the alley and someone was standing over me which I assume was you." I say.

"Yeah. I was walking around and I saw you. At first I thought you OD'd. I took you back to that house and made sure you were okay." He says.

"Thanks for that by the way." I say, laying down on the couch. "You still smoke?" I ask him after a while.

"Fuck yeah." He says. I sit up and go upstairs to grab my bowl.

"I need a high. So bad." I tell him lighting it up.

We sit there after for a while and just vibe. Lip comes in and looks at us.

"Always smokin without me." He passes me his cigarette and I take a hit. "How you feeling?" He asks.

"Pretty fucking good now. He laughs and turns the channel on the TV.

"You Vontay?" He asks. Vontay nods.

"What did Fi say?" Lip asks me.

"Nothing really. Said something about Steve kidnapping frank." I tell him sitting up again.

There's noise outside and I look to see a crowd with Canadian flags and things.

"Bro he gonna be pissed." I tell Lip. The camper pulls up and Frank comes out behind Kev and V. He looks pissed.

He barges into the house and shakes his head at us.

"Disgraceful sack of shit." He shakes his head looking at me.

"The fuck was that?" I stand up and grab the killing bat chasing him up the stairs Lip and Vontay are behind me.

"You are a disgraceful sack of shit. Look at all the money you cost this family. All the money I have to dish out for your medicine." He shoves things into a bag.

"The money you dish out? Nah. It's Fi and Lip doing that. You know how much they have to pay each month that could have easily been prevented if you weren't such a piece of shit excuse for a dad?" Frank looks at me. "$100 for insulin. $20 for my bipolar meds. Plus another $50 for the rest of the shit. Almost $200 each month that we wouldn't have to use if you would have actually been a dad." I yell.

"Maybe they should just stop buying it. Maybe then you'd stop faking it." My blood boils.

"Fake fucking what old man? Having blood sugar that bottoms out all the time? How the fuck do I fake that?" My hands are shaking and Lip knows not to touch me right now.

"Crazy fucking bitch." That does it for me. I swing and it just barely misses Frank. He opens the window and jumps out landing on the ground below. I throw the bag out and shut the window locking it.

I lean against the wall for a minute and slide down to the floor. Lip comes over and takes the bat grabbing my meter. He presses a few bottoms and looks at me.

"You need to calm down." I shake my head.

"I can't." Lip hugs me.

"Vontay, go get V if Fiona isn't here." He says. He leaves and I look at Lip.

"I don't want to be here if Frank is." I tell him. Lip nods.

"I know. Let's just worry about getting this up for right now." He says. He helps me stand up and we go into our room where I sit down on the bed.

Lip gets me a pop and I drink it.

"Do you want me to call up Dom?" He asks. I nod and wipe at my face. He grabs his phone and texts him.

V comes up and looks at me, pushing my hair back. "Did you give her a pop?" She asks. Lip nods.

"It's going up so you'll be okay. I gotta help Kev at the bar so just call if you guys need anything." She says. I nod and lay back as she leaves.

I hear pounding on the steps and see Dom at the door a minute later. Lip leaves and closes the door behind him.

"What happened?" He asks.

"Someone stabbed me and Fiona found out so she took me to the hospital. It fucked up my meter so I had to get a new one put in which you know costs a lot. Frank and I got into it so my sugar bottomed out and everything is just bad." I tell him. He sits on the bed and holds me.

"It's okay, baby. I'm here and I ain't going anywhere." He says kissing the top of my head. I nod into his shoulder and we lay back on the bed.

"Will you stay tonight?" I ask. He nods. We lay there until I fall asleep and he doesn't move.

I started things with Dom not long after my last visit with Vontay which has been nearly six months. He always tries to be there when he can and he knows just about everything with my meter. He constantly checks it at night when he is over.

He's the first boyfriend Fiona likes and she doesn't know he's in everything too.

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