Chapter one

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A/N: I will put some facts about soulmates and then we will go to the chapter. Also it's my birthday which is why I made another story. So, happy birthday to me (my friends forgot my birthday so did my dad, I don't want a gift just a 'happy birthday [insert my name], so I'll just be hanging out.)
Everyone has a soulmate and has only one or two ways they can be identified. There are four ways in total:
- communication through your mind (you cant say names or addresses, but nick names that don't sound  like your name is fine)

Click here to see more about telepathy

Messages by writing on your skin
- writing on your skin will appear on your soulmates skin (also can't say names or addresses, but nicknames that don't sound like your name is fine)

Click here to see more about messages on your skin

A tattoo you've had since you were born
- being born with a tattoo that matches your soulmates

Click here to see more about soul mate tattoos

Numbers written across your wrist
- you can be born with a set of five numbers on your wrist
Click here to see more about soulmate numbers

         Depending on how many of these traits you have is how strong your bond with your soulmate is usually people only have or two, but is some extremely rare cases there are people who have three, and there has never been anyone with four.

Bold =Bakugo thinking to soulmate.   Italics=kirishima thinking to soulmate.
         Bakugo read the article in his head to his soulmate. Why do we have four then, I'm not complaining but I just want to know why. I know right it's confusing but I guess it just means our bond is stronger than anyone else's. Bakugo heard a shout from down stairs "GO TO SLEEP TOMORROW IS THE FIRST DAY OF SCHOOL." "SHUT UP OLD HAG." Well I've got to go to sleep it's the first day of Highschool tomorrow. Oh so is mine, I hope we go to the same school but I don't want to get my hopes up. Yeah I know, well I'm going to sleep goodnight. Bakugo got under his covers and set an alarm for 5:30am goodnight. He fell asleep peacefully.

Beep, beep, beep

Bakugo slapped his blaring alarm. He got up and walked to the bathroom uniform in hand. He looked it the mirror, damn my hair is a mess. Oh your up to? Bakugo jumped almost knocking everything of the counter I didn't know I said that to you as well, also your up pretty early aren't you? Yeah I got a little too excited sorry. No it's fine. So are you nervous cause I always think this is the worst day of the school year. Bakugo started to fix his hair. I'm nervous and excited you know. I have always liked going to school, well not the school part but it's an excuse to see my friends. Well I guess I don't have friends I don't need them. Well you have me but you should probably get more friends then just your soulmate. Bakugo blushed at the fact that he had his soulmate by his side even if he wasn't actually there, and continued his morning routine, soon he finished almost simultaneously with kirishima. Well all I really need is you. Kirishima has never turned this red before. S-stop you're making me blush. Good. It's payback for making me blush earlier. They had both gotten their breakfast and talked the whole way to school not knowing they had past each other at the gates. Bakugo went and found the board telling them where their classes, suddenly he was on the floor 'some dumbass crashed into me' he thought this time not talking to Kirishima. "Oh sorry bro, I wasn't looking." the red head held his hand out to help the ash blonde, he didn't accept and got up on his own. Bakugo scoffed and walked towards his class, finding the door with big red letters saying 1a he slammed the door open. Finding his seat he sat down and put his feet up, he put his head back and started talking to his soulmate again I'm bored there is no one here yet. I haven't found my class yet I will let you know when I find it, it was right then left or was it left then right, do I go left at all. So your lost. Yeah, if only you were here I wouldn't get lost. Yeah if I was there you wouldn't be such a dumbass. Heeeeyyyyy. I take offense to that. Hey I noticed that we don't really call each other by nicknames anymore. You really want me to call you sharky? And you want to call me blasty? Well yeah I mean we don't really need them since we are talking trough our brains and stuff but I like calling you blasty and it's nice hearing you call me something. Okay do whatever you want. Bakugo blushed as he watched the door open. I found my class finally. That's odd someone walked in the second you said that what a coincidence. Yeah that's odd how about you talk to them I said you should get more friends anyway. No people are talking to him, I'm not going over there. People are trying to talk to me to, but class is gonna start so I'm gonna shut up now, talk to you soon. Yeah talk to you later or I'll write you a message. They both stopped communicating and waited for the teacher to arrive, soon enough a yellow sleeping bag rolled on in. 'Who the fuck is this guy?' Bakugo thought not sending it to his soulmate. "Alright, I'm your home room teacher Mr. Aizawa, I'm extremely sleep deprived, so I'm already done with your shit." 'Well this guy should be annoying.' "Hey you what's your name?" Aizawa pointed at Bakugo "Katsuki Bakugo" Bakugo answered "get your feet off the desk."Aizawa shouted, Bakugo reluctantly put his feet down and tched. 'What a interesting guy.' Kirishima thought to himself, Aizawa started the lesson with no enthusiasm at all, he just pointed at the board with a ruler, while sitting in his chair. Soon enough, soft snores could be heard from kirishima's side of the classroom. 'What an idiot falling asleep in class, sharky does that too.' Bakugo looked back at the board, 'I cant wait until I can talk to him again, I already miss him, ew he made me go soft, but since it's him I don't mind.' Bakugo covered the smile on his face looking out the window, once he gained his composure he started taking notes again.


The bell rang finally it felt like forever for the two unknown soulmates. Bakugo walked quickly, almost running, to the cafeteria to get lunch. He waited impatiently in the line, the classic anime vein popping on his fore head. He got his food which was a spicy curry, mild at best for him, then briskly walked to find a place alone, the rooftop. He sat on the ground of the roof, hey sharky are you at lunch? Yeah, how about you, blasty? Yes I'm at lunch I'm on the roof, it's a pretty nice view. Oh, I'm sitting under a cherry tree in the yard. It's starting to blossom........ You know sometimes it's lonely without having met you in person. Yeah, I miss you with out even having met you yet. Awwww blasty you're so cute. AM NOT. Both of the two blushing messes. Are too. AM NOT. Are too. AM NOT. Fine fine you win for now, ughhhh I can't wait to meet you, I'm excited. I am too idiot, you know.... Bakugo set aside his tray and lied down. I can't wait to meet you, I ughh this is embarrassing...... I try to imagine you or random scenarios about you, like meeting you for the first time. Blastyyyyyy, you're gonna make me cry from joy. NO, don't cry it'll make me cry. Tears pricking the corners of kirishima's eyes, wiping them away. Hey maybe you can try to describe your self, and I can do the same. Why did we not think of this before? I don't know maybe I was too caught up in your angelic voice. *chokes* anyway I have ash blonde spiked hair, I'm 172cm tall (five feet eight inches), I'm not social by that I mean I'm better than everyone but you so I don't need friends, I would say I'm fit. What you are taller than me by two centimeters not fair! Anyhow I have red hair that I spike up, I'm 170cm (five feet seven inches), I would also say I'm fit, and I'm extremely social I want to be friends with everyone. You already told me that you want to be friends with everyone. Yeah but you said why your unsocial which I already knew. The bell is about to ring I have to go but I will talk to you more after school. Alright bye sharky. Bye, blasty. They both got up and headed to the cafeteria, the two almost bumped into each other. "Oh sorry, hey I ran in to you earlier." Bakugo noticed a cherry blossom in this new boy's spiked red hair, 'sharky?' Bakugo reaches out and grabbed the petal, "oh thanks dude." The red head gleamed, "whatever." Bakugo walked away 'there's no way it can't be it's just a coincidence.' Bakugo went to class and sat waiting for the bell. Hey sharky before the bell rings, I really really want to meet you now I keep thinking random people are you. S-same to you blasty. The two blushing boys were seated in a full class, Mina with her sixth sense can see the gay. "Hey kirishima your blushing did you talk with your soulmate at lunch?" She practically jumped "I-I uh..." the door burst open "YO, CLASS IS ABOUT TO START." An extremely obnoxious teach with spiked blonde hair wearing all leather yelled to the class. 'Ughhhh not another weirdo' Bakugo new enough about this class to just ignore the teacher, so that's what he did. The class ended, then the next, then it was the end of the day. This whole time kirishima was contemplating wether or not the spikey ash blonde he met earlier was blasty. "Hey, uh Bakugo was it, I'm kirishima I think we could be friends." Bakugo glared "I don't need friends." Bakugo walked away, 'was this blasty he says he doesn't need friends, but I have to confirm, by the tattoo on our backs or the numbers on our wrist. I need help from Mina. But tomorrow, I promised blasty I would be home right away.' Kirishima ran to his house as fast as he could. He ran to his room, his parents weren't home otherwise he would have said hello (to be revealed later). He jumped on to his bed, hey blasty, I got home safe and sound. That's good, I just walked inside. You know your really soft for someone who claims they are better than everyone. I'm not better than everyone there is one person who surpasses me, and that's you. Awwwwwwwww, blasty you make me so happy I could die. Don't. Well, the old hag wants me to eat dinner you know her rule about not talking to you while eating. Yeah I remember talk to me when your done. Of course I will. Kirishima rolled in his bed texting Mina asking if she could come over tomorrow, she agreed. He fell asleep, when he woke up both his fathers were home and dinner was ready. (I want to keep his fathers a secret till later so for now they will be father and dad.) "did you do your homework or are you doing it with blasty after dinner." His father asked "I'm doing it with blasty later." Kirishima replied stuffing his face with food. "Well don't wait to long." Kirishima's dad said. "I won't." After cleaning up the dishes, kirishima said good night to his fathers, and went up stairs to do homework. Blasty I need help with homework. What's the problem. (Insert geometry problem I don't want to type.) that's easy first you (solution to said problem). What how was this not easy before. Dumbass. A lot of geometry and biology and English and whatever later, kirishima and Bakugo said their good nights to each other and fell asleep.

A/N: hope you enjoyed. Cause I'm tired, as always.

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