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Life. Its actually funny, terrefing and everything mixed up. Its spontaneous. Its hilarious. Its upto the person who is seeing it. Life gives you so many things and what you make of it counts. When life give me somethung i made it into something more. But when you don't grab the chances life gives you, you regret in the future.

6 years ago:-

"Huh" i huffed out loud with sweat breaking all over my body. Its summer and i am not the person who is fit. If i am walking i will btrak a sweat. That's how my body is. I don't excercise and that's what i get for it.

I pulled my back pack higher on my shoukder and entered my school with a smile. I wished every teacher i made eye contact with and then.I was humming to myself. In my One dreamland. When somebody bumped into me.  And I turned around to face the idiot person when I saw the face of my best friend. Mia.

"Always the lost one." She teased for my lack of observatory.

And i chuckled. We both are friends from 4th grade. Sisters. As our teachers like to call us. She is my sister from another mister.

" so have you read the chapter " I asked her and we both started talking about studies. When the first bell rang i git up and started making line for the assembly.

Students were getting out of the class when a a hand covered my eyes.

" guess who?" I voices whispered in my ear. Lips touching my earlobe and his breath washing over my ear. And i felt a tingle ran down on my spine and i involuntarily shivered from that. Hormones. Stupid,  stupid hormones.

"James." I chuckled and he turned me around and then lifted his hand from my face.

" right." I opened my eyes. And There he was standing. Smiling from ear to ear. And i smiled too. Its nice to know him . He is nit the person i imagined him to be. He is helpful, humorous. A little bit flirt. But i can carry on with that.

He and i both exited out class. All the while talking to each other. I was looking at his direction and not on the way i am going. So when i bumped into someone and lost my footing, it was my fault.

"Hmmmph." I huffed and closed my eyes. Embarrassing. I thought. Just the way I want it to be i thought sarcastically.

Two arms hold my upper arms to make me steady and a scented perfume entered my nostrils. A masculine perfume. Hear radiating from the person's body and I found my self getting warm. In a good way.

I steadied myself obviously with the help of the person holding my arms and averted my eyes upwards to say thankyou and sorry for my lack of consciousness.

When I averted my eyes upwards.  My words got stuck into my mouth.

"Euro."I breathed. There he was. All in his gloary. Hairs spiked up.  Shirt clinging into his chest.  Few buttons undone.  Your normal boy. I thought sarcastically.

So here is the thing. Yesterday when James told me that Euro asked for my number.  I said nothing.  I didn't even let James know of my answer.  I didn't even acknowledge that James even said that. Because of a person wants your number,  he or she can ask themselves.  And if not then don't really don't want to.

"Arya." He said with a smile.  His White teeth showing up.  A boyish smile.  What a charming,  beautiful man he is.  I thought.

"Are you okay? " he asked me and i nodded awkwardly.  There is something about him that makes me ackward. Self conscious.  I don't think i like it.

"Sorry. " I said to him about the fall to which he replied "anytime. " and i chuckled .

After that he took off to his side of line and me and James go to ours. During the whole assembly I could feel somebody's eyes on mne.  I didn't have to turn around to see who was watching me.  I could feel it with the way I was blushing.

After the assembly every class took off to their classes.  Whole day we studied hard.  So when lunch came we are pretty happy to say the least.

Me,Mia and or two friends sanya and Alicia ate our lunch. And then I go outside to wash my hands. I turned around and there I saw the boys talking about something.

Robin, James and Euro. Two other boys who I don't know the name of. And I stopped to look at Euro. I won't say that I am not excited when i see him. I am. But I don't know what it is holding me back.  I could have given him my number but i didn't.  Because out didn't seem right.

I shooked myself out of my revire and entered my class.  I was rubbing the blackboard when a hand touched my shoulder and I turned around to face Euro.

"Hey again." He said.

"Hey." I smiled at him

"So how was your day?" He asked me somewhat shyly which made me feel better that I am not three only one feeling this way.

"Tiring.  Yours? " i asked him while dusting off my hands.

"Same." He said and we stood there shyly smiling at each other.

"Hey listen ummm look i know i don't know you.  But it would be great if you could give me your number.  You know for Emergency or for umm homework or something like that. " he asked ne while scratching his neck. And as a dumb fool as i am. I just stated at him. Saying nothing.

When he saw my expression he took off and then i realized what I have done.  What a fool i am. That a boy,  a gorgeous boy, was asking for my number and i made complete fool of myself in front of him.

Then I did what I thought I would never do. After all I ignored the question yesterday because I didn't felt it right. But now.

I walked over to Euro  where he was standing with the other boys. All the while me staring at him. And him at me.

"Your hand." I said to him.

"Huh?" he asked me as if in a dream.

"Your hand." I said again and he gave me his hand. I hold his hand. His hand was a bit rough but warm. Nice.

I opened my own and wrote my number on his palm and then i took off. Before embarrassing myself any further

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