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Predictions. Expectations. Two different words but somehow connected.  We predict the things we expect to see in the future. Like a pregnant lady predicting that her son would be just like his father, because she expect her son too be like her husband.  Its still really connected, so when our predictions doesn't meet expectations, we often feel sad.  Because we were wrong and its human nature to feel like they were right.

   Prediction they are harmful for is, they make its expect and when those expectations are not met, we become heartbroken.

6 years ago :-

So, that's exactly what happened to me.  I was predicting Euro to call. You know after all he was the one who asked my number in the first place. But he didn't. 

I waited and waited and well waited. But he didn't call me.  Belive me i even checked my call log 5 freaking time. So when next day I was in a bad mood,  I really had an explanation.

I was cursing under my breath when my mom came in. "Woaaah." She said while looking at the room.  One word,  unhygenic.

"What happened here? Storm?" She teased me but i just ignored her. Today i am not in the mood.

I can feel her eyes on me but i didn't bother turning around and greeting her instead I was fumbling into my back pack too see where i placed my science assignment due today.

"Here." My mother said to me while placing my assignment on the bed.

"Thanks. " i muttered irritability. 

"What is the matter with you today?  You are not acting like yourself. " Ma asked me concerned.

"Nothing. " i sighed  and thought to myself that why him not calling me is bothering me so much and why i am taking it out on my mother.  He is not that important.  I thought to myself.  

"I Am sorry ma. I was just so nervous of this Presentation I have today. " I told her and looked at her guilty  to which she only responded by ruffling up my hair and telling me that breakfast is served so I should be down on couple of minutes.

"What is the matter with me? " I wondered to myself. I am becoming something I don't think I like very much.

               I ate my breakfast and walked on the way to school. Still irritated on good knows what. 

Oh you know!!

Shut up you subconscious!!

At lunch

The whole day I was pretty busy. Today was the day of assignments , projects and submitting holiday homeworks. As monitor out my class  I had to make a list of everyone who submitted all the above and who didn't.  So when In lunch,  instead of reading lunch like any other student I was busy organising holiday homework,  assignment and projects.

"Arya? You can do it later.  Easy lunch first. "My best friend said.

"Naa. I am not hungry today. " I told her and she let the thing go.


Why you are coming at me so hard today?

Well darling,  I am your subconscious. So in reality YOU are going hard on yourself.

Shut up.


I completed organising things and were holding books using my both hands when suddenly a door opening startled me resulting me dropping all the books into the floor.

"Urrrrrrghhh. Bad day bad day bad day." I chanted under my breath.

"Here let me help you." A Voice broked out . I was so consumed with my lack of balancing that I forgot someone has entered the room. 

I looked up starting at green eyes of none other than Euro.

I ignored him but he still sat down beside me and started picking up the dropped books. I was in the books room in my school where all the assignments, books, notebooks and whatever is kept down. So there was no ome beside me and now Euro in the room as it is lunch.

I picked up all the books and kept in under the top shelf of the almirah. Euro kept a safe distance me all the while he was there. He gave me the books to place on the shelf and I stood on my toes to place the assignments and projects on already placed books.

  After placing the book I turned around only to have Euro standing in front me. He was so close i could feel his breath on my skin. His eyes were so green that i found myself losing breath.

I guess i was a little bit too consumed with placing books that i didn't realise when he moved closer to me.

"What are you doing? " I asked him in a husky voice. Him being close to me is dangerous i realized. It is making me lose air. I can't breathe properly.  I need air. I thought.

" Hey. Don't panic Okay? I just I wanted to speak with you. I am not very good at all this. I don't know what to say to you with everybody watching us." He told me looking directly into my eyes.

"So? You will just come here and trap me here?" I asked him staring at his lips.

"You are free to go. Belive me. Just...i Just wanted to talk to you. Sorry if i came a little bit strong." He said to me.

Well then you could have called but you didn't.

" and also I umm I lost your number. After reaching home I washed my hands and i didn't write it anywhere else so umm can you give me your number again?" He asked me scratching his neck and looking at me a but shyly.

Ohhhhh. So that's why he didn't call.

I looked at him and thought about what would be right.  I gave him my number yesterday,  he could have written it down somewhere but her didn't.  And also i don't think i like him being in my life. He is making me feel things which i think is not right for me at this time. I need to concentrate on my studies, not boys, who are too careless for their own good.

"I need to go." I told him and took off leaving him standing there alone in the room.

I made the right choice. That's what i told myself that day. And time told me it was not.

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