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"Ugggggh." I groaned and my brother kicked me in the back.

I glared at him and he laughed.

"Now you won't see that? Will you?" I asked my mom and she laughed out loud.

"You like him more than me." I groaned put and she ruffled my hair before telling me to go an eat my lunch.

I glared at my brother before picking up my lunch and taking it along with me in my room.

I picked up my phone and checked my messages and calls.

Just as i was eating the last spoon , my phone ringtone went. I looked at the caller id and smiled before picking it up.

"Where were you?" I asked excitedly over the phone.

"Hello to you too! " He chuckled ay his end and i smiled heartedly.

"Yeah okay, tell me where you were?" I asked him.

"Sorry i couldn't call you. I had to go to the hospital."

"Why?  What happened? " i hope everything is fine with him.

"No I had a uncle he has this operation today so i was there. As soon as i got some time I called you." He said and i finally heard his discomfort and anxiety over the phone.

"Are you okay, James?" I asked him again just to be sure.

"Yeah i am , really i am" he said to me.

"So where you are right now?" I asked him wondering if he has eaten anything yet or not.

"Just drinking bear.you?"

"Sorry you are what?" I asked him shocked at his words.

"I am drinking bear. Why? " he asked me not getting why i am upset over his words.

I hated those guys who drink, like literally, I hate it. I don't like drinking and I don't like those guyz who drink.

When i didn't reply to him he asked me again. "Why is this a problem?" He asked me and I honestly answered.

"Look, I don't like people who drink. " He just sighed at his end.

"Okay then this would be a terrible opportunity to tell you this, but the subject has came up so i may as well tell you. I smoke too." And i looked at my phone in shock.

I hated it. I just hated it tk be honest. I really liked him at that point. There was always so many good things about him that i didn't thought there might be something wrong with him.

Or something that i would hate, but here it was , staring at me directly into face, and i didn't know how to handle it.

"Arya? Is this going to be a problem?" He asked me after couple of minutes.

"Look I, umm i don't know how to say it, but I just i-" he didn't get me to complete.

"Its okay i know how are you, so here is my promise to you, that i will try to leave it." And I i smiled.

That's why i chose him, that was the only reason I chose him. He was not smart like any other boy out there, he was not handsome.

He was dark , talk and somewhat awkward but he was genuine. He knew how to say things and that was the only reason I chose him.

"You promise?" I asked smilingly.

"Yes i promise." He replied at his end.

"If by any chance that I would not be able to leave it, is this going to be a problem?" He asked me

"No - No its not going to be."

I was thinking about how much he was trying to do for me that I replied to him without even thinking it.

That right there was the biggest problem in our relationship and it was going to come and beat me in the ass soon enough.

I was about to say something else when I heard my phone "beep" .

I looked at the phone and saw a call coming in. The number was unknown so i told James that i will call him and I picked up the phone.

"Hello?" I confusedly said.

"Hello." A deep voice answered and i found myself choking on the water i was drinking.

"Eu-Euro?" I asked breathlessly.

"Hey! Sorry i didn't call earlier."  He said in a  guilty voice at his end.

So, here is the thing about conceptions.  What we think isn't always right, what we think might be wrong, when our conceptions about someone is right , we are happy of our "people knowing skills" and when our conceptions are wrong about people we always say "never judge a book by its cover."

In my story there was a whole lot of conceptions or should i say misconceptions on my part. And those misconceptions are going to bit me hard.

And as i am writing this , i do realize how stupid i was to make those conceptions about them in the first place.

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