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You know when your mom say to not talk to that guy or to think over the decisions you are making or you are doing it all wrong and he don't deserve you, you just cut her off. That's exactly what teenagers do. They become too much in love with another person that they don't even care about what their parents has to say about them anymore. They starts thinking that there parents are just speaking nonseeen and they don''t listen to their advices, they don't pay attention to anything they are saying.

But, But then after everything has been done and you look over how you got their in the first place, your first thought would be like "I wish i had listened to them. I wish i had never met him or i wish i could pay a little attention to what they were saying about him. If i had just listened to them i would not be here. I would have never my heart broken by someone like him. I wish."

And i am saying this to you because i wish that. More than anything else in this world i wish i could have just listened to my mom when she was telling me all this but i, being a stupid in love teenager did'nt listen to her.

My name is arya. And this is my story. When i was At sixteen.

6 years ago:-







"Another set of jeans and t-shirt?"

"Yes, maa check." I sighed heavily before putting another droolworthy pancakes in my mouth.


"Mommmm. Please let me eat." I groaned amd glared at her to which she responded by ruffling up my hair.

Okay, so let me tell you somethung about my mom and myself too. I am 16 years old. I like drawing, sketching and reading. I have brown eyes, a curvy body (which i got just this summer) and this is my first day at high school. For some people this might be terrefing but for me i am actually preety excited about going to my school and learning. I am not a nerd, i am not bookish but i do like learning, reading amd writing.

As for my mom she is like any other mom. Overcaring, overprotective and overloving. But she os everything to me. Sometimes we do have our differences but we made up quite quickly if i may say so myself.

"Maa, i am going." I shouted by the front gate.

"Arya, i told you to wait for your brother." She shouted by the kitchen.

I groaned as i sat down on the poarch and waited for my younger brother to come. My little brother name is remi, he is 13 years old amd he goes to my school. He is a lazy ass. He likes cartoon and well sleeping. And yes how can i forget this he HATES studies.

Someone patted my shoulder and i turned around to face remi. "Well thankyou for being here. It is my greates honour to have you here." I said sarcastically to him.

"Mom arya is being mean." Remi shouted and i covered my eara with my hands.

"Well speak louder. Won't you?" I added sarcastically to him and glared at him.

"ARYA DON'T BE MEAN TO YOUR BROTHER." my mom said while coming to us. Tiffens in her hand and she glared at me.

"Sorry." I mouthed to her while putting my lunch box back into my bag. I always does that. I forget things because i am always in hurry of going somewhere.

With that me and remi took off to our school. Me hoping that i could learn something useful today (i did'nt know how much i was going to learn and when i knew it was too late) and remi hopping and skipping down thr road, as a small boy he was.

Just as we entered the school our school bell went , students started to go to the school hall for morning assembly. I quickely opened my lockar and rushed off towards where my class line was.

See this is my school, here we have to be at school assemble, where students and teachers would tell us about the happenings of school and upcoming events. Also to do sing our national anthem. And sometimes if school authorities wants we have to yoga too and let me tell you one thing, doing yoga in the time of summer with sweating bodies all around you, is not very appeling. Been there, done that.

     After searching off my class line i stand by the end of the line. As i am 5'7 inches i have to stand by the end of the line. So why waste everybody's time, lets stand there in the beginning. Right?

As i was busy chatting up with my friends, teachers and the aseembly students took there place on the stage. Upon hearing the sound of the drum ringing we stopped talking and stand up straight. Assembly began with prayer than national anthem with some news of our School ands and the world.

Honestly I didn’t bother to listened , it was summer and I was dripping with swear. I just wished it end sooner so that we could go to our class. But hey when world goes by your wishes?

The news ended and we all relived a sigh of relief.

Its time to go to class. I thought to myself.

“ahem classes attention please.” A Voice broke said on the mike amd we all groaned in despair.

“please God no.” I begged to God silently and I think everyone out there too. Well maximum other were looking at front amusingly.

“welcome to school after your 2 months of holidays. I am sure you must like those holidays as I am sure you liked getting laid and partying all day long.” So yyes that is ky p.t teacher Mitch.

Well she is more like a bitch to be honest,  like she makes me swear. ME . Nobody has every done that. She is evil pure pure evil.

“So so anyways today is your uniform checking day, be straight as a pole while your teachers check your uniform.” And we all groaned.

So that day was one of those days when she was going to insult every student who is not in proper uniform and by doing that she is going to take our so much time. Means We have to be standing here for quite a lot of time.

Just the day I wanted. I thought sarcastically.

Wher our teachers ended with their search , we all stood there in anticipation of what is going to happen next.  I didn’t bother looking at the stage and instead was looking at ky shoes and counting the seconds that we were told to leave.

But I know it is going to take some time as she was not done talking but that day i was wrong.

"Go to your classes in lines." She said and I smiled to be let go of the monster.

I was about to go into my own classroom when the bitch called me and i groaned.

What now? I asked myself but instead turned towards her with a smile on my face but when i turned around I didn't see her.

No, I saw him. There he was standing with many other students , talking to them. But he turned around to look into my direction and halt. And then , then he smiled.

And i smiled back.

I didn't knew it back then , that one smile , one smile could change your everything.  If i had known that I wouldn't have smiled at him. I would have just left but no i did smiled back.

And i did felt something by looking at him.

That was the first day when I saw him for the first time. The day that I still remember,  even after 6 whole years.

The way his eyes crinkled when he smiled, how his mouth was in perfect shape and how his eyes lighted up when he smiled.

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