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You know when you know in your gut that the thing you are doing is wrong but still somewhere, somewhere very deep inside you it tells you that no, no this is right and you do it. You don't think about it. You say you followed your instinct but in relality you follower your heart. If you have listened to your instincts it was telling you to STOP. To not do that. It was saying to you that this is not the right time but yet, even after everythung you do it. Because it seems to be the right thing to do. IT IS NOT. Believe me.

6 years ago:-

If you are thinking that making eye contact with him. We went out and then he proposed to me to be girlfriend you are wrong. Well half wrong.

After looking at him i turned towarda my PT teacher who gave a list and told me to be give the list to out class teacher and then i took off. And i did'nt think about it until lunch.

So here is the thing about me. I was very very very unobservant. I was very clueless as to what is going on in my surrounding. I was the person who always stays in his or her own world. About no idea what is going on. Who is who and etc. I was the person who was best in school , favourite of teachers, monitor of the class but if you ask me if i know personal things about my classmates i would'nt be able to answer that because i did'nt knew. I did'nt take interest in that. I am not telling you to bore you to death, i am telling you because it is relevant here to mention that.

The whole day i was getting praises from my teachers and classmates about how i have become thin this summer. Because before summer i was fat . Like really fat and it was a shock to them to see me so thin. But what they did'nt knew was that i fell ill during that summer. And due to which i got thin. Because i have been in the hospital for 2 whole months. And i think that takes a toll on you. But well as a growing teenager i was , i shyly thanked everyone.

In lunch i had a classmate name james who came to me to talk and let me tell to say i was confused would be an understatement because in whole 5 years we have been in the same class and i never talked to him until absolutely necessary. He always like a flirtious guy of a guy to me and i was never interested in that type of guy or any type of guy for that matter.

"So. How was your day?" He asked me while bumping his shoulder with mine in a playful manner.

"It was good. How was yours?" I asked him out of politeness.

"Tiring. And its only lunch. " he sighed and i nodded my head in sync with him. After summer holdiays , coming back to school is hard.

"Soo you lost weight huh? " he asked me well more of stated it and i nodded with a smile on my face.

"So how was your holidays?" I asked him out of politeness.

"It was good." He answered and we sat there in silemce. But it was a comfortable silence which i don't understand. I have'nt talked to this guy for years and now when i am talking to him it seems like i know him for so long. It was nice. It was comfortable.

He bumped my shoulder with his and stood up. I thought he was going to leave but when he took out his hand in front me for me to take i was confused.

"What?" I asked smiling.

" come, lets get the hell out of this room." He said.

"But where we will go?" I asked him while capturing my hand with his.

" just come. Why wait around for lunch to over. Lets go upstairs." He told me wgile pulling me alongside him. Still my hand in his. And i did'nt tug it nor did i told him to leave my hand. His hand was warm, his touch was welcoming. I felt good. Happy.

We took the stairs and stood on either sides of the staircase. Students were hustling up amd down but we both just stood there talking to each other. Looking at each oyher, smiling , laughing. It was truly one hell of a day.

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