"We played your 1991 game," Diana said. "And we spied on you at school also."

"Oh I see what you mean," I said. "By the way, I met started taking care of this girl named Marinette who's parents have been murdered."

"She has a crush on this boy named Adrien," I continued. "But she's having a hard time expressing her feelings for him and I'm giving her the chance to do it at Adrien's party and I have yet to find her a dress."

"Well have no fear," Diana said. "Because I used to be a fashion and a playboy model before I came here to Paris."

"You'll help me?" I asked.

"Yes we can," Science Gloom Lighting said. "Let's do this!"

Third person P.O.V:

Meanwhile, Marinette was sitting at her desk waiting for Sonic when he suddenly pops up right behind her, scared the crap out of her.

"Son of a bug!" Marinette cried. "You scared me half to death!"

"I'm pretty sneaky, huh?" Sonic said. "Well that puts an 'ring' on it."

Marinette giggled at his pun. "You remind me of my partner of crime Chat Noir, he likes making puns a lot."

"Really, huh?" Sonic asked. Do you guys know each other's identities?"

"No, Master Fu told me and Chat Noir that our identities must remain a secret." Marinette said.

"Master Fu?" Sonic asked.

"He was my teacher who gave me the Ladybug miraculous," Marinette explained. "He gave me the job of protecting Paris and the Miraculouses from Hawk Moth, our arch enemy who preys on them."

"Well that explains, by the way I met someone that can help us with your problems." Sonic said as he pulls Diana and SGL up the window into Marinette's room. "I like you to meet Diana and her friend SGL."

"I'm a fashion designer and it's a pleasure to meet you." Diana said shaking hands with Marinette.

"Um, hello." Marinette said to Diana as she shook her hand back.

She then turned to Sonic and said "You really don't have to do this, I guess I didn't tell you that I'm a fashion designer as well."

"Don't worry Marinette, you'll be ready for the party in no time." Sonic said to her as SGL brings a measuring stick to measure her in order to make a perfect dress.

"Does size really matter," Marinette asked as she was uncomfortable with SGL measuring her.

Diana said "In order to make a perfect dress, we need the right fabric to do this."

Sonic agreed and then he turn to Marinette and said "Please hand me your clothes."

"Are you crazy, Sonic?" Marinette said. "I can't just take my clothes off, not when there are perverts in the the audience."

"Come on Marinette," Sonic said. "It  will be very speedy quick."

So Marinette started taking off her clothes one by one and handed them to Sonic until she was only in her white bra and panties.

Sonic then brings them to the table where Marinette's sewing machine is and then said "I'll need some scissors, some pink paint, and a ribbon." SGL  handed Sonic those objects, then Sonic started cutting Marinette's clothes into many parts and then sewed the pieces together to make a dress.

Around this time Marinette's two of her closest friends, Ayla and Luka went up to her room only to find their  blue haired friend nearly naked, only wearing underwear.

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