"We'd know if you're in pain though," Gabe said, "We always manage to."

"This happened about 4 months ago," Ryan said.

"You should've told us!" Micheal said, "What if something worse had happened and we didn't know how to help?"

"I know," Ryan said, staring at the floor, "It's just with how Austin's been lately I didn't want any of you more stressed out. I'm on meds that help it. I take the med when I take my other meds. It's okay."

"Jesus fucking Christ," Lucas mumbled.

"Hey," Gabe said. A silent warning to Lucas to not use the lord's name in vain and all.

Luc raised his hands in surrender for a moment before sighing, "Gotta love when you know of one abuse victim and suspect there are two other's you're close to."

"I know the confirmed victim is Salem," Mike said, nearly growling out his name, "And Austin is obviously a suspicion we all have... so who else?"

"Maddox," Lucas said, "He's the youngest in my other friend group, and we baby him a lot. But... Adrian knows something is going on at Maddox's house and isn't letting us know. They keep whispering and Adrian will make Maddox stay at Levi's house a lot." Jaxson scowled at the mention of Levi, they all knew better than to ask.

"I noticed those two whispering a lot lately," Jaxson said, "Not today though. Hell, whenever I looked at them today, Maddox was ignoring them all in favor of texting."

"So was Austin," Ryan said softly, "I try to keep an eye on him."

Micheal hummed softly, "Aren't they neighbors?"

"Oh shit," Lucas said, "They are. Oh. I'll have to ask Adrian about that. I didn't realize Austin was texting as well."

"What Lucas, do you think they are fucking or something?" Jaxson said.

"Maddox was straight I thought," Ryan said. 

"I know of more than one 'straight' guys," Jaxson said simply, "Honestly, those two would get along. With how much Maddox talks and how little Austin does, I'm sure they are best friends."

Gabe shook his head softly, "Austin is always at school or home though."

"Maybe," Jaxson said, "That's what he tells us. But lying isn't a complicated process."

"It's a sin though," Micheal said.

Lucas rolled his eyes, "you say that like you're the definition of holy."

"I am."

"Salem says otherwise," Lucas said.

Micheal visibly paled, "Like I'll listen to that devil worshiper."

"You used to."

"Shut the fuck up Lucas," Micheal said, glaring at Lucas.

Gabe looked between the two, "What is he talking about Mike?"

Ryan and Jaxson nodded as well, clearly interested. Micheal looked mildly terrified. He never wanted to tell this tale, especially not to Gabe. The fact that Salem had told Lucas was upsetting enough to Micheal, yet he also knew that if he didn't tell these three, he was doomed to be pestered until he did. He wondered if telling them would result in the outcome that had played out more than once in his mind, but somehow could tell something different would be coming. Something told Micheal, that Jaxson and Gabe would find the situation amusing and might understand even, so Micheal decided in that moment to tell.

"A dumb mistake our freshman year," Micheal said. 

Gabe paused, "Isn't that before you hated them?"

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