Chapter 1

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It's been a full year since I stepped down as Queen of Arendelle. A full year since I gave the crown to Anna and became the Fifth Spirit of Nature, Keeper of Ahtohallan and Protector of the Enchanted Forest. Though, that didn't stop people from still calling me the Snow Queen. Maybe because I created a castle for myself in Ahtohallan -a strong hold of Ice and Snow that protects the magical river and guards its secrets. And only me, Gale and the Nokk can enter freely.

Every morning at sunrise, I'd ride the waves with the fierce water spirit to Northuldra, taking care of the Earth Giants and Bruni and keeping them out of trouble. I'd hear stories from Yelena, Ride with Honeymaren, Ryder and the Reinderrs, play with the little children, and checking if there has been any messages from Anna and Arendelle.

Anna and Kristoff have decided a one-year engagement for them to better adjust to their new lives as King and Queen of Arendelle before they get married. And, of course, I completely understand. It is a big commitment, after all. I've been visiting them at least once a week for family game night and tutoring both of them on ruling a kingdom. And I have been waiting to hear from them to see how they've been doing.

I've been getting letters from my cousin from Corona as well, the daughter of my father's brother, Rapunzel. The lost princess that returned 18 years later, and we reconnected through my Aunt Ariana and Uncle Fredrick. She attended my coronation with her husband Eugene while she was still a princess. She even attended Anna's coronation, just becoming a queen herself. And she's been sending letters, asking for advice on how I made being a young queen look so easy. Her parents decided on an early retirement and gave the titles to Rapunzel and Eugene to better make the most of their golden years. And I responded to them as honestly as I can. I swear, she and Anna are more sisters than me. Both optimistic, courageous, incredibly stubborn, and met their perfect matches while on a life-threatening adventure.

Right now, I'm on the beach of Northuldra that takes me directly to Ahtohallan. The sound of the soft waves crashing on the pebbled beach was serene in a way my mind wasn't. I sat down on the ground, my feet bare and letting the water touch it. The sun glistened on the sea, like diamonds. The sky was painted orange and pink, and a fragrant breeze blew through my platinum blonde hair. Bruni was on my lap, napping as I stroked his scaly back. Gale filled my lungs with the sweet smell of the ocean at sunset, the Earth Giants were behind me, making sure I wasn't disturbed, and the Nokk was jumping and running around on the waves, hoping to cheer me up from my current state of mind.

The reason why the four spirits are guarding me in my solitude because tm they've been sensing my mood for weeks. Anna and Kristoff are in love, so is Rapunzel and Eugene, I just set up Ryder with the daughter of the Royal Seamstress, Hadley. And Honeymaren found her love in her childhood best friend that I just met two months ago, a tall and strong guy named Marcus. All of my family and friends are falling in love, and I...... have no one.

I think the other spirits saw me sulking and wallowing by myself that they've been doing everything to cheer me up. And I appreciate the gesture, and it's really sweet of them to do that for me, but.... it doesn't change the fact that I'm alone, and a spirit now. I doubt that there are any other spirits out there that were once human like me, feels the same loneliness I am, let alone has magic like me.

I'm supposed to go to Arendelle tomorrow, since Rapunzel and Eugene are visiting for Anna's birthday. I did try persuading my sister to plan her birthday for her again, but she said Kristoff, Sven and Olaf already beat me to it. And that was fine with me, after all we are family. All I had to do was come tomorrow.

I wasn't ready to go there and see all the couples in love. I knew I was gonna bring the mood down if I end up sitting in a corner alone and watching all the romance in the room. That's why the other nature spirits brought me to the beach to help clear my head and cheer me up. And, it was helping. Only a little bit, but it helped.

It was getting late, and I need some sleep if I wanna start my journey to Arendelle early to make it to Anna's Party on time.

"Okay guys, I'm okay now." I told them as I got up from the sand, and dusted off my dress.

Bruni looked at me with his big adorable eyes asking me if I was sure. I just giggled and made snowflakes for him, which he seemed to accept.

The Earth Giants bent down to my level, still looking worried. I gave them a smile and said,

"I'll be fine, tomorrow. I promise."

They don't look entirely convinced, but they let it go, waved good-bye and went back to the riverbanks to sleep.

The Nokk galloped up to me, bent down for me to easily mount him, and I did. Bruni looked at me one last time before he hopped to the trees and went back to his cave near the village. I just shook my head and rode the Nokk back to Ahtohallan.

By the time I made it to the castle, it was already nightfall. With a nuzzle good-night to the water spirit, I entered my castle and went up to my room.

But not before I heard singing, like a young woman singing. And not the one like I kept hearing before. This one is... different.

Curious, I went down to the memory chamber -the heart of Ahtohallan -to find out who was singing. The closer I got, the clearer the words became.

The sky is dark and the hills are white
As the storm king speaks from the north tonight
And this is the song the storm king sings
As over the world his cloak he flings
Sleep, sleep, little one sleep
He rustles his wings and gruffly sings
Sleep, little one sleep.

When I arrived, I saw a young woman with long, beautiful raven-black hair, emerald green eyes, singing with the voice of an angel to a dragon -with scales that look like they were made from the finest Arendellian steel. In the memory, they were alone on an island, sitting in front of a fire under the stars.

There was something familiar about her, I just couldn't remember where or when I saw her. The memory shifted to a young man with brown hair, brown eyes, running through the forest.

His laughter was like a beautiful melody I could sing forever, his eyes danced with mischief under the sunlight, and his smile... it was laced with confidence and a child-like aura that is absolutely contagious. I found myself smiling and wanting to know more about him. But, before I could, the memory fades.

His face has been imprinted in my mind. I reminded myself that I'll find out more about him when I get back tomorrow.

And I went up to my room, unaware that I was humming the lullaby the beautiful green-eyed, raven-haired woman was singing.

Something was pulling me to find them, but that would have to wait. And I'm learning to trust my instincts more. For now, Anna's birthday is more important.

Into the Unknown-A Hicceather and Jelsa FanfictionМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя