"Mistress wanted to come to L.A and she gave me a break for the time she stayed here but I had no where else to go so I decided to come along with her. I've never been to LA. It's awesome here!"

I chuckled. "It really is. Well we should totally hang out!" I said and moved back a bit realizing how close I was standing to him.

"Yeah of course. I'm staying in the guest bedroom but I don't have anywhere else to live for the next while."

"I have a spare room in my apartment. You could live there with me and my friends!"
"You don't have to... I'm sure I can find a cheap motel."
"Shut up. What else are friends for. Anyways I'll catch you tomorrow?"
"Yes ma'am."
"Don't call me that! I'm your friend." I laughed.

Everyone ate breakfast and then Grayson and I headed to Natalies huge office building.

We got to the 30th top floor and knocked on the only door ok the floor.
"Come in!" Natalie said.

We went inside and sat down on the chairs in front of her huge oak table.
"Hello Nat."

"Hi Grayson, hi Sofia."

"So what are we doing here?" Grayson asked.

"Well as we know your contract that you both signed on September 2nd is ending today, so I needed you to sign the release forms and we need to discuss something very very important." Natalie said.

We signed the release forms in silence. Then Natalie got up and closed the door.

"So as Grayson and I both know we have staged many things in the past to get to something that we needed for his and Ethan's careers such as the sister squad, their scandals and much more stuff but we have never done anything to this extent. When I set you both up together, I mainly did it for Grayson's image but as we can see much more has happened and this has never happened in the past that two of my clients would have more than a professional image."

"So you are saying?" Grayson asked.

"I'm just saying that when you guys signed the contracts you also agreed to NEVER mention this document in public or to anyone. So far you have followed through but remember if my name is harmed in this industry, I will make sure to do everything possible to make your lives a living hell..." She whispered.

"Why do you think we would do that?" I said confused.

"Because I gained information that one of your friends gave a hint to one of the paparazzi about this being staged. Don't worry that pap has been handled with but if your friend by the name of Madison Brady ever names this again, she will be taken care of as well." Natalie said and opened one of her drawers showing a silver  gun.

Grayson got up but I pushed him down.

"Gray no. Natalie what did you do to that poor paparazzi?" I asked horrified.

"Got rid of him off the face of the earth of course! No need to worry."

"Natalie I swear to god I-!" Grayson said.

"You what? What will you do without me Grayson Bailey Dolan? I could just tell Sofia about the girl you were with on Christmas Eve while she was in Toronto?"

"Gray... what is she talking about?"

"Let's get out fo here and I can explain. Please." He said, grabbing my arm harshly.

I snatched my arm away.
"I don't think there's much understanding needed now. How could you?"

I ran out the room and drove home.

I turned on the shower to full heat and got inside. I couldn't feel any heat, just how numb I had become. I stood their staring at my reflection in the glass shower walls, my mascara flowing down my cheeks and my skin turning red from the heat.

I couldn't believe that Grayson would cheat on me like that. We were in such a good place. Weren't we?

I heard a knock on my door. I ignored it and turned the shower back on.
"Sofia, let me explain please!" Grayson said through the door.

"Go away!" I yelled.

"Sofia please I'll only take five minutes.. please." He said begging, the last part was croaked.

I turned off the shower and grabbed a blanket and went to my bedroom.
"Go ahead." I said.

"Listen, that night some friends of mine were hosting a party at a bar. I shouldn't have gone seeing all the paps with their cameras but I went anyways and some of Cameron's friends were trying to flirt with me and one of them tried sitting on my lap."

"And you went ahead and had sex with her."

"I didn't I swear. Literally nothing happened between us."

"And why should I believe that?"

"Here I have proof." Grayson said and showed me a video taken by paparazzi. He was telling her to get off and he just got in his car and left the party.

"They we're trying to make the video seem like we were together but Natalie took care off it and got rid of the video, I love you and could never break your heart like that knowingly."

"I forgive you Gray. I'm sorry I went all crazy on you with out an explanation." I said and grabbed his hand but he took his hand away and looked away.

"What is it?" I asked and sat down on the bed.
He sat down beside and looked into my eyes.
"It's just that you didn't trust me." His voice cracked.

"You believed the first thing she said without thinking slightly otherwise."

"Gray... I- I never..."

"If we don't have trust then what do we have?"

"Grayson." A lump formed in my throat.

"I'm sorry, Sof. I think we should... we should take a break for at least a few weeks."

"Grayson... I love you. Don't-"

"I love you too but I think we need to figure ourselves out for a while... alone."

"Yeah." Tears started flowing down my face.

"Hey hey. I'm gonna come back for you very very soon, baby. I love you." He said wiping my cheeks.

He kissed my forehead and left.

I stood there for awhile trying to process what just happened.
I took off my towel and lay down in bed and stared at the ceiling till I fell asleep.

My second story "Love Don't Change" first chapter is up! Go check it out and leave a vote if you want to!

Pretend Love || A Grayson Dolan Fanfic Where stories live. Discover now