Chapter 21

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When I got to my room Louis came in and shut the door behind him "what's the matter love" he asked I looked at him "nothing. I'm just mad at him" I said shrugging "but why" he asked sitting beside me on the couch. He put his arm around me and hugged me "tell me" he whispered. I sighed "even though we were fighting and I was miserable and hurt he still left with Anne. He still went on his honeymoon" I explained. Louis sighed "he chose her Over you" he said. I nodded "I used to ask my mum if I could visit him it he visit me ad she would email him or call him and she would ask and then there would be an answer. Whenever she heard or read the answer get face would fall and she would look at me and hug me. She used to apologise and say he couldn't. When I asked why she would tell me that he was busy with his new family. I even read the emails and listened on the second phone. And it's still happening" I said. Venting as a year fell. Louis hugged me tighter "do you ever think you and your dad could fix things" he asked "I want to. I really want to. But I've tried and I don't know what else to do. He just keeps doing what he's always done which is out everything before me. I thought a girl was suppose to be daddy's princess. She's supposed to look up at her father and say I want to marry someone like you. I feel like he only wants to fix things as long as he doesn't have to change" I said wiping my tears. Louis sighed "then why are you still here" he asked. I sighed "honestly. Three reasons. You. The boys. And nobody was home and I don't have a key" I said "oh. I see. When does your mum get back" he asked me. I looked at my phone "two days" I told him "two days until the staff comes back" I said he nodded "so are you going to go back" he asked I shrugged. Louis told me to cal my mum. So I did

D. Hello Diana Shirley
J. Hi mum
D. Oh hi baby girl. How are you
J. Fine. Anne and dad just got back from their honeymoon
D. Oh that's nice
J. Yea. When are you coming home
D. I was actually just about to call you. My manager is talking about expanding my business to Canada and the United States
J. That's amazing mum
D. Thank you. One problem. I have to go to North America tomorrow and start preparing a launch for the en of the summer
J. Oh
D. So would you feel alright spending the rest if the summer at your fathers
J. Sure
D. I wouldn't ask you to but this is a huge break and I don't want to miss it a did just worry about you until I came home if you were by yourself
K. Don't worry about me. I wouldn't want you to be distracted. I'm fine here. Go make some more money
D. This is why you're my favourite daughter. I love you. Bye baby
J. By mum

I hung up and let out a few tears. I went downstairs to god Louis. He was standing at the counter with everyone else. I walked over and hugged him from behind. He pulled me in front of him and continued talking. After a few minutes I got and idea. I pulled him into the back garden "what's the matter" he asked. I explained to him what my mum and I had talked about "so. I was thinking. Could we stay at your place?" I asked. He sighed "love. I wish we could but I have to stay here" he said "why" I asked confused "because in a few days the boys and i are leaving for tour" he said I sighed "oh. Okay"he grabbed my hands "I'm so sorry darling" I shook my head "no don't worry about it it's fine babe. I'll be fine"I lied. He just looked at me "I'm so so sorry love"

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