Chapter 14

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I laid face down on my bed and cried. I'm not a huge crier most of the time. But I've cried so much while being here it's not even funny. I heard a door open and close then footsteps then my bedroom door opened and closed. I heard more footsteps and a sigh. Then the bed shifted "everything gonna be alright love" Louis said moving closer to me on the bed. He put his Hand on my back as I cried harder. He laid down beside me and made me roll over and face him "let's get your mind off of it for a title bit. Who's this guy that you like. Huh. The nicest guy you've ever met. Who is it huh. Tel me tell me tell me" he said like a child I just smushed my face into my pillow an mumbled "pardon me. I didn't understand you" he said I took. Deep breath and sat up. He was still laying down. I looked at my hands. He out his hand under my chin an lifted it up to meet his eyes. Then he moved it t my cheek. I melted into his hands bit. Then his hand made it's way down my neck over my shoulder and down my arm. He grasped my hand "who is it Jo" he asked I couldn't make my voice any louder than a whisper "it's you" I said in a voice I didn't think anyone could hear. He gripped my hand tightly and smiled "good" he said just as quietly. Then he let go of my hand and pulled me into a kiss which quickly turned into him pulling me down on top of him. He ran his hands up and down my sides while we made out. He rolled us over I that he was on to giving my hands a chance to roam his body. Just as we were about to stop Harry comes barging into my room. Louis and I jumped and Harry looked shocked "when I said take care of her I didn't mean this way. You disgust me. Both of you" he said horrified I just rolled my eyes "oh get over yourself. I can do what I want with who I want" I said he got an evil look in his eye "apparently Reid didn't get the memo you skanky little bitch" he said. Each word held more venom then the last. I just shut down. I cannot believe he would say that. Louis STOOD UP for me "you can't talk to her like that" he said angrily "awe. So now that you've sucked face with my step sister you take her side over mine" he said sarcastically "no. I mean in general. You don't go talking like that to a girl. Especially not your family. You wouldn't talk like that to your mum and I would bet my life that you would never EVER say those thin to Gemma. EVER. Would you" he said angrily Harry just shrugged "WOULD YOU" Louis yelled Harry shook his head "no. I wouldn't" he said embarrassed "exactly. So apologise" he said. Harry sighed and made some half assed attempt to apologise. But I wasn't accepting. I was done. Done with this family. Done with these people and done with myself. I looked Harry in the eye "just because you apologised doesn't mean I forgot what you said. That will forever be in my head. Whenever I go to wear something that's what I'll hear. Whenever I go to date someone. That's what ill hear" I whispered he just looked at me "what happened to this while I'm miss tough girl. Nobody can hurt me. It just rolls off my back" he said in a mocking tone "it's one thing for some jackass on the street to say it. It's another for your brother to say it" I said looking him in the eye "well maybe if you weren't trying to get into my best friend pants I wouldn't have said it" he said. Louis got in between us "and who's to say she was. Did you ever think maybe I was trying to take advantage of her. That I was trying to get into her pants" he asked Harry just shrugged "no. Because it's easier to blame me" I said softy. Louis put his arm around me and I cried into his shoulder. He rubbed my back and hushed me. He kissed my head "shhh. It'll ok baby girl. Shhh. Don't worry ok" he said softly I just nodded. I didn't trust my self to speak "do you want me to leave you alone to talk to harry" he asked. I shook my head "do you you want to talk I Harry" he asked. I shook my head again "make him leave" I whispered as loudly as I could. My throat was scratchy from crying and I was tired. It came out as barely a whisper. But Louis heard me and asked Harry to leave. Harry grumbled insults towards me as he walked away. I cried harder into Louis's chest

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