Chapter 3

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He was handsome. Daddy introduced him as Harry. My soon to be step brother. Oh goody. He looked about the same age as me or so. Oh well. We got into the car and Gemma drove Harry and I while dad and Anne drove the other. I sat in the back beside Harry. It was weird Harry leaned over and whispered into my ear "the shoes were a nice touch" he said. I glared at him. Like what's that supposed to mean. We got to the restaurant and sat down. Everyone started to talk. I guess Harry's been gone for a while then they turned the conversation to me

(Gonna use their initials because it's a lot of talking)

A. So Josephine. Tell us about yourself. Your father talks about you endlessly. But we wanna know what he left out

J. Ok. Uhh. I'm 18. I live with my mum and 6 housekeepers. I love Music. Especially Nirvana. The Who. And McFly

A. Oh you and Harry will have something to talk about. He's a singer

J. Oh that's cool. So how old are you

H. I'm 19

J. Nice.

G. So what are your hobbies

J. Uhhm. I can draw. Sort of

R. She is an amazing artist. She has real talent. Not even joking

J. I'm not that good

R. Of course you are

J. How would you know. I haven't drawn anything for you since you left when I was 6

H. Sooo. Maybe you'll have to design my next tattoo

J. By the looks of it you've got enough

H. Always room for more. Especially one from my new little sister

(We sat in silence for a minute then I looked at my dad)

J. Can I go. I don't feel well. I'm really tired after that drive. And long drives make me feel uneasy for a little bit

R. Oh of course. We can all fit in one if you take the other

H. I can take her. It gives me a chance to get closer to my new sister

J. STEP. Sister. I believe

H. Right. sorry

R. Alright. Behave

J. Right

We left and I got into the car. Harry got into the driver side and just sat there then he looked at me "you don't like me. Do you" he said starting the engine I just looked at him "what was your first hint" I say in a bitchy tone "I thought we'd be close" he sad I just laughed "ya. I'd be close with the family that took my dad away. Oh ya of course. Why not" I said sarcastically. We drove the rest of the way in silence. We got to the house and Harry opened the door. I went straight to my room and didn't come out for the rest of the night. I woke up at 6. Weird. I usually don't wake up early. Ever. Oh well. I threw on a pair of black spandex shorts and a white sports bra with a galaxy singlet over top. I put my hair in a messy ponytail and grabbed my trainers. I left a note on the kitchen table and left. I put my headphones in and played music while I ran. All of a sudden someone tapped me on the shoulder. I freaked out. I turned around and took out my headphones "what's the big idea" I asked "I didn't know anyone else ran this early" the guy said I just chuckled "neither did I" I said he looked at me for a minute "I've never seen you before. You new here" he asked. I sighed "yup. Just moved in with my dad for the summer" I said "oh. What's his name. Everybody knows everybody here" he said I smiled at him "Robin Twist" I said a look of realisation crossed his face "ohhhh. So you're the new sister of Harry's" he said "pardon me" I asked "I'm friends with Harry. He's mentioned a few times about a little sister. Never told me how gorgeous she was" he said flirting with me "he didn't meet me until last night. Other wise he would've told you I'm like a freakin sex goddess" I said the guy chuckled "confident. I like that. My names Reid" he told me "Josephine. But nobody calls me that. Except for the step monster and her spawn. Everyone else calls me Jo" I say he just looks at me "step monster and her spawn. Do you not like them" he asks "not really. How am I supposed to like people that took my dad away from me and my mum" I said he nodded "fair enough. Well if you survive the wedding text me" he said handing me his number "sure thing" I said taking the paper. I jogged back to the house. Harry was the only one there "have a nice run" he asked "sure" I said "would've been nicer if I was in Liverpool. But hey. What're ya gonna do" I said going into the kitchen Harry followed me "why do you hate me" he asked leaning on the counter "ugh. It's not that I hate you. I just don't feel particularly close to you because your family is the reason I didn't have a father growing up" I said shrugging "wow. Thanks. That makes me feel so much better about myself" he said sarcastically "well whatever I can do to help. I'm a very helpful person" I said "whatever" he said walking away.

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